kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

There are quite a few upgradeable items scattered throughout the game world; these will almost always wind up being better than stock items of the same type. To see this conversation, you must be in the Undercity Sewers on Taris, and have Mission and Zaalbar as . There's even a workbench in the armory you can use to reset your lightsaber crystals before you head to the top floor. The experience gap is more severe if you try to save more levels, so if you wait until level four or five, your teammates will not lag as far behind. You'll meet Jon in the courtyard of the Jedi Academy. It contains a Bek datapad and some rancor bait, which will, not surprisingly, come into play when you need to take down the rancor, who's waiting in the next room. 1) To Residential 082 East You begin from #1. This isn't merely a cosmetic affectation, though: the game's design relies upon you making decisions based on how you think your character would respond to a situation. The first quest is to pick up some items from the Medical Lab in Residential 082 West. You'll burn through computer spikes fairly quickly, but don't worry: the cylindrical 'spike bins' next to each terminal generate a computer spike every time you destroy one of the droids created by that corresponding terminal. Zelka will inform you that the Sith patrols in the Under City may have an experimental serum that he could synthesize into a cure, but his assistant, the appropriately named Gurney, wants you to sell the serum to a gangster named Davik Kang for 1,000 credits. Once Rukil clues you in to the fact that his apprentice is missing, search for her to the northwest of the Undercity settlement. That'll teach the Dominion to mess around in the Alpha Quadrant, eh? You'll eventually come across the quintessential Star Wars body part, a severed arm. My loan is owed to Goto, the Exchange boss on Nar Shaddaa. Only scoundrels are able to truly excel in persuasion, but unfortunately, the computer-controlled character creation process seems to discount the usefulness of this skill: if you choose to make a quick character scoundrel, or let the game select the recommended skills in the custom character design process, you will wind up with exactly zero points in persuasion. In order to damage an opponent in combat, you must first successfully hit them, and the attack number of your characters determines their chances to do so. Attributes govern your character's innate physical and mental resources. The initial increases to a skill are on a one-for-one basis, but as you progress towards the upper limit of your initial attributes (during character creation, no attribute can be raised above 18), each additional point begins to cost more; purchasing a stat of 15 or 16 will each cost your character two purchase points, while the elite stats of 17 and 18 will each cost three purchase points. Oh, and did I mention the lightsaber? Even without a lightsaber, he's tough, and quite capable of dealing 40+ damage on a critical hit. If you experience a crash when patching the game in Windows 98 or Windows ME, please make sure that you reboot your system before attempting to repatch the game. Try to hit to as close to 20 as you can manage, then let the computer waste its cards trying to beat your score. Habat then allowed B-4D4 to leave. You'd be surprised at how much torture those little guys can take before they finally crack. Join. Be sure to explore every conversation option to get all the information you need; Sunry will, of course, claim that it was a Sith frame-up, and even ask you to find a way into the Sith Embassy to look for information. It's certainly possible, especially if you use your teammates to fight all of your battles in solo mode, and are willing to make many, many trips to the load game screen. Once she's out, you can use her security skill to break the Rodian free from his cell, then activate stealth and head to the terminal in the room near the Sith guard that roams the halls. Ignus, the hotel's clerk, will stick to his story, where Sunry left Elassa's room after the blaster went off. The Yojimbo option: you encourage the families to fight each other, and then goad them on by lying about Casus' death. After he's dead, check Calo's body for an excellent set of armor. Canderous will have to be one of your party members; choose the other wisely. The crystals aren't all very useful, mind you; many of them are simply color-changers that you probably won't want to use unless you have extra lightsabers hanging around, but there are a few that add damage or attack bonuses to your lightsaber. You guessed it; it's time for some solo mode action. If you couple the stunning effects, the wide area of effect, and the low cost of this power, a case could be made for giving each of your Jedi characters three ranks in Force push: it's almost always useful. Dark Side Solution: Take the serum to Zax in the Lower City Cantina and sell it to him for a tidy sum. The insidious and malevolent powers of the Dark side will be off-limits to players that are role-playing a Light side character. Since you managed to find the Dark Jedi Master's datapad, you'll not have to worry too much about your indiscretions. You can also just murder the technician to get them, so you can actually get Chodo to give you the money and then just kill the guy anyway and pocket the 2k credits if you're so inclined. You'll find cards in various places throughout the game worlds, but the most reliable method of acquisition is to simply buy them. None of these are critical flaws in your character's power levels, though; indeed, the game has been balanced to take all of this into account, and if you proceed through the game normally, a character that splits 8 levels of a mundane class with 12 levels of a Jedi class shouldn't have a problem beating the game in the end. If you accidentally leave even one Jedi behind, your mine expertise will be for naught. Yeah, he's high and mighty now, but we'll see how a few years in Alcatraz change him. Speak with Chodo and hell give you a key to Batonos apartment in Residential 082 East #7 on the map. It is possible to threaten him for the credentials, which will lead to a dark side shift. This will become quite important when battling the Dark Jedi later on in the game, since they will quite often resort to these kinds of attacks when using the Force powers. For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier. The number before the slash is the amount of damage that is ignored; in this case, the first five points of damage from every fire-based attack would be ignored by the character, so that, if an attack was supposed to deal 10 points of fire damage to your whole party, that character would only take five, while the other characters would take full damage. Luckily, his daughter intercepts you before you are forced out the door, and informs you that yes, indeed, Nurik has kidnapped Shen, as a result of his belief that Nurik kidnapped his own son, Casus. The Tuskans will attack, but don't let Komad's fearmongering affect you; they're just Tuskans with blasters. Kandon and his primary bodyguard both have energy shields, but both offer substantial experience rewards and some great items. When you feel like taking it up, or whenever you're on Manaan, speak to Hulas, a Rodian in East Central Ahto. Inside left room #1, hit the flow control panel on the wall (NOT the door control panel by the door). Once you pop into the bay, Davik and Calo appear and start to rather energetically defend their right to take off with the Ebon Hawk. If you're going for Dark side points, double cross Freyyr and get Zaalbar to side with Chuundar. To increase your chances of obtaining a character's side quest, speak to them after every time you gain a level. Take out everyone in the bridge, then head out to the starboard side of the Endar Spire. ), Logarithmic: 7 (Here's where your public school education starts to fail you. See Luxa Quests for the Dark Side path. It is also possible to kill him after threatening him. Proceed through the doors until you reach the outside corridor. Once you hit the surface, you'll again find yourself in debt to the Czerka Corporation for the total of 100 credits. Once you shut down two of the emitters, a very big beast will run through the camp, scaring away the poachers once and for all. He'll eventually become a terentatek, then a tach; talk to the tach to finish Rulan off. And that, as they say, is that. The treat injury skill simply adds itself to the amount of vitality you would normally gain from a medpac; this amount can be further increased by using advanced medpacs or life support packs. Opo Chano was a Duros droid repairman and parts salesman on Telos IV Citadel Station during the time of the Dark Wars. After speaking to both Bendak and Ajuur, leave the cantina, and then re-enter it immediately afterward. For the most part, though, you should be able to handle yourself without too much of a problem, especially if you have Master Speed along for the ride. Head to Tatooine, where you'll receive a tip that Helena is in the cantina; go talk to her, if you can stand the chill. Head over to the Czerka Office and speak with the droid. He was the assistant to Jana Lorso and usually served as a greeter for visitors of the Czerka office, but also had access to the corporate computer mainframe. You did bring bantha fodder, didn't you? You can continue to hack until you unlock the door that Carth and Bastila are behind, or just pick up the key from the footlocker in the (now empty) barracks. A level one soldier / level eight guardian, on the other hand, will have 90 vitality, 72 Force points, five feats, nine Force powers, and, again, somewhere around 12 skill points allocated. If, on the other hand, you really want the power to destroy an entire planet in response to the pettiest of slights, then you do indeed have the opportunity to fall from grace here, or fall further from grace, if you've been a really bad boy during the preceding events. If your PC is a man, then Bastila will become your love interest, if you treat her like a lady. Once you possess the Star Map, return to the Jedi Council. Since they only gain six vitality per level, scoundrels will soon have much less health than a soldier of similar experience, so you'll need to ensure that you have plenty of medpacs available when your health starts to run low. How you deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with Nico on Tatooine. He'll instruct you as to the meaning of the different colors of the blade, and eventually ask you what Jedi class you'd like to proceed as. Jedi characters, including your PC, will get to choose from a few feats that are specific to the Jedi classes. The bottom ring must be transferred to a bare pillar. Luckily, you have a bit of an edge in the ion blaster you found on the red trooper's body back on the Endar Spire; it does an extra 1-10 damage when it hits a droid, and the Sith patrol just happens to consist of two battle droids. Of course, no daring escape is ever quite as easy as it seems in the Star Wars universe. Now for the semi-tricky part. The Rodian witness Gluupor will reveal with a minimum of fuss that a male Sith paid him to plant the Republic War Medal in Elassa's hand after she was killed. Opo Chanos appartment is in Residential 082 East. In case you had any doubts: when you marry the RPG creation skills of BioWare with the world's most powerful license, you wind up with a game of stunning quality that shatters sales records as soon as it hits the shelves. If anyone in your party uses blaster rifles, you should max out Zaalbar's Bowcaster; if you pump it full of upgrades, you can transform it into a +3 attack bonus beast that deals out 3-12 damage, with a critical range of 17-20. If you come on behalf of the Ithorians (Light Side) then youll be able to negotiate with her but ultimately will have to accept her invitation to take out Slusk as theres no other way into the Exchange. Haven't tried the mod pack yet, but when I do I'll let you know how it did. Since attacking automatically brings you out of stealth mode, you'll only get one shot at a sneak attack before your target is alerted to your presence. At any rate, once the ritual is complete, you'll enter the Temple, along with Jolee and Juhani, but not before a rather disturbing freakish cutscene involving Malak and one of his subordinates. That isn't to say he's not a good character to have along in a fight; he deals decent damage with his pistols, since he gets two attacks per round, and his soldier vitality will help him last a bit longer against the tougher opponents you meet. Elise is also found in the courtyard; she, too, has a favor to ask. Second, have that character run, as fast as he or she can. If you choose the Light side path, Xor will eventually return with a couple of Rodian thugs. There's also a quasi-cardshark named Furko here who'll offer to play you a few times, with escalating wagers and more difficult side decks as you progress. He will die quickly, though, so you will need to keep an eye on his vitality if he wades into a group of enemies. This mod is compatible with KOTOR 2 Community Patch. A +/-6, for instance, should be scrapped in favor of a +3, just because, due to the way the cards hit the table, you're more likely to find a use for it. There are four droids in total, each with its own little logic or mathematical puzzle that you can use (in 'manual repair' mode) to attempt to bring it back to its proper functioning. You don't find quite enough mines to make this a consistently viable approach to combat, though, and while your teammates cannot accidentally trigger your own mines, they do seem to take a peculiar kind of glee in running towards your opponents and attacking them before the enemies walk over your mine field. Go speak to Worrrozner in the building to the east; he's apparently the Wookiee version of a judge and jury. Answer: Nothing. Before you embark on your quest, you should know that there are certain events in the game that don't necessarily fit into a linear flow; some quests can occur on multiple planets, while there are also mini-games that can be played anywhere. (0/3), Transfer from injector to container. There'll be a pillar blocking your way that brings up an inventory screen when you click on it; put an explosive device, like a frag mine, inside of it to blow it up. After you unpause, move your crew away from the middle of their deadly circle; you'll be hit by cryoban grenades if you stick around. Deal with him affects your Force alignment, in much the same manner as your dealings with on! For Dark side Solution: take the serum to Zax in the armory you can use reset. You a key to Batonos apartment in Residential 082 East you begin from #,. Bastila will become your love interest, if you accidentally leave even Jedi! The starboard side of the Jedi classes Jon in the courtyard of the Dark side shift in. 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kotor 2 czerka mainframe erase

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