npr voices annoying

It isnt just a curved exclamation point. When I hear someone at a store or restaurant say something else instead of Have a good one! I thank them for not being like the rest of the robots. (Thats okay, Verla. I have heard right? at the end of sentences used frequently. Soooo, this car just ran through a stop sign.. ARE YOU READING ME A BEDTIME STORY? We cant ignore our own speech patterns if were going to engage in this sort of discussion. I may be alone in this one lol, but i hate it. Everyone drops the T here. Also annoying is the fake lisp of many young-ish women trying to copy Emma Stone, assuming her lisp is real not sure. I think that the person doing it wants to signal that they would have more to say about a thing but they really do not have any more ammunition. Back in the day you would be fired for delivering news that way. All of this is from one person. Jessica Hansen has one of the most annoying deliveries I can ever recall hearing from an announcernot only on NPR, but in the world of broadcasting. I wonder how many of these patterns we can blame on Keeping Up with the Kardashians and other shows of that ilk. Sorry for the typo of the when it should have been they. I do think it bothers some more than others, and once you key in on ityou hear it all the time, and it becomes more like nails on a chalkboard. ", In the ensuing #PubRadioVoice conversation, now-host of Weekend Edition Sunday Lulu Garcia-Navarro tweeted about a similar experience. The reason is because. This kind of speech pattern is common amongst younger television announcers/commentators. It sounds like a popular catch phrase sports people use to show they are a sport person who know what they are talking about. I first heard this on a home decorating tv show. So I do speak to them about that, how important it is to at least be able to READ it, but it really goes nowhere from there. Other times I believe people fall into a speech pattern comfortable to them without questioning the outcomes of or reactions to their words, phrasing & delivery. Perhaps Mr. Stein would be willing to hand over the reading honors to him. Does that mean that Aussies and New Zealanders are not sure of themselves? why do young women want to sound freaky? I had to go to the stoooore, pick up the dry cleaniiiiiing, get some grocerrrrrriiiies, walk the doooooooog. etc. Sh to begin start and such, is New York City and environs, similar to yuge. It's BS. At work, I am surrounded by intelligent and well-educated women in their 20s to 40s who speak this way. What are they like. Also da for the has been trending. Just like everyone else, sometimes reporters need a moment to collect their thoughts. I mean, everyone has heard plenty of examples of those speech patterns that have made perfectly well-educated college grads (mostly female) sound like Kardashian wannabes. Having it as part of your daily living is different from going on TV or radio and having everyone hear it in a professional context. Im only 40 but I feel like a rambling old person yelling at the TV any time I watch it. Finally, it is a bid to keep the floor. Thats my new pet peeve and I wish I knew a way to counsel him on it! Isnt it a long-standing fact, that all beings respond to melodious speech far more positively than, for example, a shriek. But it sends up sounding so unintelligent and gutless. I watch a lot of YouTube news videos and even a simple yes/no question is nearly always answered by starting with So, I mean.. you left out one which has spread like wildfire the last few months (besides UHMMM)it is a click as I call it every time the person opens their mouth to start a sentence,kinda like chewing gum with your mouth open kind of a sucking click-I swear these things are done to get your attention for trivial things which the person want you to listen to. I notice the upspeak and vocal is prevalent mostly among young white females than anything else..but the valspeak..that is pretty universal..especially I find people my age use it as mostly fillers vs pauses when they are gathering their thoughts with like so ya know..I got 5 siblings w an equal balance of male and females and my parents growing up were drove up the wall by our over use of like. Its EVERYWHERE on tv, the news reporters and movies. NPR= National Propaganda Radio Taxpayers should demand their hard earned dollars not be spent on this Lefty Commie Drivel. Theres no room for any reply and honestly, I no longer care. Sheesh. NPR seems to be doing a full-out Jessica Rabbit Via . I cant stand when people say I cant even or I just cant with her or some nonsense like that, and they just end it right thereOr when people say YEAH you are with misplaced emphasis. The education system. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. I had to fight my own brain! In the memo obtained by Current, Eric Nuzum, NPR's VP of programming, wrote, "You may have noticed a new voice reading some NPR sponsorship credits in January. And also have heard does that make sense? from one particular Millenial. An interesting one this one. However, the habit of young womens talk that no one has mentioned is the tendency to cluster words together in extremely fast phrases within sentences, a habit which once I notice, becomes increasingly irritating. All Im hearing from this post is a lot of complaining over nothing. I was thinking maybe it was a Mexican/American thing (I am Canadian). The overuse of a particular swear word is also annoying. Annoying and completely unnecessary. She tackled the challenge of transitioning to radio, in part, by developing an unusual approach to writing out her tracks (the reporter's narration). Seems to be a constant request for recognitionas if we somehow cant stop to ask if we dont understand something. Omitting ts from wordsthe one word that brought it to my attention was moun or as we like to refer to it as mountain. Why not just be brave and make a direct statement without the sort of timidity? This collection would be much funnier if the written intro didnt include a sentence beginning I mean I want the people representing my company to be PROFESSIONAL. Today IS the first day of Spring Agreed, Paula. She helps people who find they sound monotone, sing-songy or low-energy. Im reading this because I am driven to distraction now that my husband has started constantly dropping the g from words ending in ing. Nothing new! Great people, but, my goodness, that is a difficult accent for me. It sounds so phony . The young woman in the commercial exclaimed, Its Dove-ah! Now I notice it all the time. Im done. Yeah, used in this odd transitional way. These hip speech patterns are used by women in, I would say 90% of the conversations Im involved with or hearing out in public. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. used instead of OK Part One: Into the Digital Era, Voice Over Trends 2022: Hottest Marketing Trends You Dont Want to Miss, Emotional Branding: The Power of Emotional Video Narratives, The Brand Anthem: What It Is, Why You Need One, An embarrassment in front of mom, dad or the general public, Unfit for any position that pays more than minimum wage. I mean, like, Im literally, like, here. Over his 10 years at NPR, he said he has grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough. I thought I was being a stodgy Gen Xer in feeling profound contempt for these news pundits on CNN and MSNBC I just keep yelling at my TV: you sound like a moron! Theyre clearly not morons though many are well-educated and very smart but when they say right? and start a sentence with so they sound like idiots. Grown men purposely deforming their mouth to speak like a FREAK! Speaking as an African American woman, if being more inclusive is the aim it fails. culture that (IMO) is ruining our educational system. But I remain relentless I call it out every time. (Thuh ocean, thuh actor). I found this post because I was looking for a video that addresses this. The t sound is there; the enunciation is just very soft, almost swallowed, because the word is split into syllables in a different place than whats proper. While I agree that its a lazy way of speaking, its probably more a regional speech pattern than anything else. Where Youre welcome implies that you went out of your way and accept their thanks as your praise. I saw a book tv author, a Harvard history professor good lord, on C-SPAN yesterday who said sort of in every spoken sentence. YESSSS!,,,,,, the staccato speech is driving me away from tv. I enjoyed reading them and replying as well. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. If something is different from something else, from is the only word that works. Also, the millennial kid who is fd in the head trying to sound so sophisticated, like he is an expert at everything and demeaning to everyone. They probably started out as texting shortcuts, but the two I cant stand are LOL crammed into every sentence, and OMG at the beginning of every sentence. The kids were GRADED on handwriting in their report cards, and it was considered an important skill. Its my second or third. I understand some countries use to instead of from, and I dont know if thats longstanding or new. Some of it likely occurs between people very familiar with each other. I have assumed theyre trying to sound British, which may also account for the glottal stop (i think thats the correct term) in words like curtain, mountain, sweeten etc. This had to have started with someonemaybe a Kardashian? I growl at it when I hear it. Has anyone experienced this verbal hostage taking? "We ought to be able to hear all of that in the voices that the audience is hearing, whether that voice is the voice of somebody in a community somewhere in the middle of the country or that voice is the voice of a host or reporter for NPR. She played a pregnant workplace harasser in Coastal Training Technologies' "Drop by Drop," which earned CINE's Special Jury Award. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. Also, add to The List the pronounciation of the word food as (something like), fee-yood, and potato and soup as, pota-teeyoo and see-yoop. 3) Ordering at a restaurant or the like, saying Ill DO the instead of lll order the or Ill have the. Weirdos lol . What is that??? Sanders wishes listeners would be less reactionary and more open when they hear voices they find unfamiliar or even unpleasant. I dont know nothing about that. I understand these may be hip ways of speaking these days , but they actually detract from the message. I have to smile when reading, as I am also of an age, and profession, where language skills, word choice, and vocal delivery are so important. Stop talking like that!. much more easily. 2) Adding Sh sound to words starting with ST, as mentioned in earlier comment. It sounds like theyre saying, Think yeeough. in a rude, snobby, sneer down the nose at you manner. Your observations are wonderful & interesting. I am now hearing full glottal stops ( I think that is the correct term) being ignored. Someone told me it started with the Kardashians, which doesnt surprise me if thats true. Moaning is not music. They also cannot read digital clocks. You asked your readers what we would like for you to include in your next video. Im not ashamed to say that I have on frequent occasion shown these dim-witted types the door of my office immediately (usually upon hearing any hint of vocal fry, thats enough to do it), telling them to email me their query, which I then promptly delete without reading, and send them an auto-reply to that effect. Over the past few decades we have grown more to accept/tolerate each others personal shortcomings in professional places. One of the reasons the patterns become so widespread, particularly with the current trend of vocal fry, is the feeling of belonging it gives young women. And the speech pattern that led me to your page is the one Ive observed in the voice overs on virtually all home improvement shows. Also, why has everyone started turning ts to ds. Oh brother, Frankie! Not long in to our conversations, Ive tuned out. I particularly despise yeah yeah yeah and starting sentences with So. I also loathe when people pronounce nuclear as nucular. And, forward, in all forms unless someone is moving or driving an object ahead of them. Not included in the list, which usually includes vocal fry, is this mouth full of potato way of speaking that UK millennials in particular display. I hope youll be disturbed too. Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. I just wish I had a remote control that worked on people with a tangible presence. Person 1: I went to a concert yesterday and it was very entertaining! The sound of 2020 America is a chirpy vocal fry. Not sure what thats called, maybe we should invent a name for it . Thanks for any suggestions. What truly bothers me is that this type of coddling in primary and secondary school continues into college, and beyond. This is teh dropping of the letter g at the end of ing words, ie: singin goin droppin etc. Seems our country (or generation) is being overrun with these ridiculous patterns! ! Fry here and there. Psychologicaly though my theory is that women want to be listened to and they do it subconsciously to be heard and for people to pay attention to them. He joins us. Person 1: So what is your opinion on adding cream to this dessert? For more information, please see our I also get extremely annoyed by these vocal crutch words so Im glad Im not the only who experiences this! 2) I cant stand the making every sentence sound like a question- The broadcasters at a local TV newsroom think that sentences end with three periods. ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. People complained that young, female reporters rasped their voices in an unprofessional way. Thats probably (not proaly) one reason kids cant spell them correctly later. I would never have understood your point until I saw a commercial during which a delighted homeowner, commenting on a home makeover, said (the most overused word in English as) amazinggah!. How about pandimik (apparently meaning pandemic,) mimber (apparently meaning member,) and oh god, space (apparently derived from safe space). The staccato, fry voices makes me hit the mute button. Its also a telltale sign along with being a 20-something vlogger who films herself eating/showering/walking a rat dog of narcissistic personality disorder. Its rampant. METAPHORICALLY no one? My personal pet peeves include the use of right? at the end of every sentence, and the glottal stop (in the U.S., at least; the UK version has never bothered me). Its an epidemic among millennial actors, hosts, and cable news panelists/contributors. As an american transplant living in Germany, the phrase I noticed most from my European colleagues is quite some. Finally, the other habit that seems to be spreading is the use of the schwamostly women but not exclusivelyperhaps the thought is that it makes them seem more cultured. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. What is this called? Thats a very strange one. Also on the rise Yah, Yah to express approval, agreement, excitement. I know which zoo program youre referring to and I cant watch it either. Hearing fingernails down a blackboard couldnt be more excruciating than vocal fry, and the stress I experience when not being able to tell the person doing it to stop it is hard to deal with. Important..pronounced Im-por-ent. Sounds like a 2 year old learning to speak. I also wonder with all the texting short cuts, have we created a new language? My personal least favorite is Bill Littlefield (Only a Game) for some reason I can't explain. Hansen has served on the Mills College Alumnae Steering Committee; the Washington, DC, chapter Arts Committee of the Brandeis University Alumni Board; the National Society of Arts and Letters; and as judge for the Mr. District of Columbia Benefit Competition. I think this is an absurd accusation. So annoying. I think it is annoying when people answer a question with, Yes, no It seems trendy with Britsh speakers. This post & comments are fun because though annoying is a subjective quality, some of these patterns & phrasing are widely undesirable. My goodness! OK. How about the recent clipping to the end of some words. Example.. Valspeak is, like, short for the way Valley Girls talk that was, like, you know, so big Frank Zappa sang about it in 1982. Linguists usually refer to it as creaky voice. So creaking is a reasonable thing to call it. Have I become a crotchety old fart or is Idiocracy truly upon us? The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? Its kinda crazy, right? Some of the family members have a better capacity to use words, language & phraseology than others that still use upspeak, vocalfry, text slang & whining. You can even mix them all together in infinite combinations: Right, so you know the best way to find out answers is to Google it, right? Its a good question.. uuuh-eem.. if we look at the sortve.. cultural implications.. implications.. we we find that people.. generally are all victims of being annoying.. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Debbie Grattan is a top-rated professional female voice over talent with more than 25 years of experience delivering voice over services worldwide. I abhor this glottal stop. After thank you = no tip from me. I DO say February. Merry fucking xmas. And that show was probably a 5 year old rerun. I would agree, that often, any form of critique, even for improvement in future and in business, is often dismissed, misplaced, and scoffed at by a younger generation that has grown up with a trophy for participation for anything they do, and often getting passing grades and remarks to send them on, without actually teaching them how to LEARN and QUESTION things. use of the phrase sort of in each statement you made. I am also a teacher and am perplexed by the lack of vocabulary and sloppy use of language that I hear every day, everywhere, and by many! And another one is annudder (another). ARGH!!!! I mean, they really drew it out. .ANY Mouth smacking, Ttt or Tsk between every phrase, or hearing saliva sounds !!! Last week, Slate Lexicon Valley podcaster (and NPR On the Media host) Bob Garfield lamented a frightening tic invading American speech. Can you point to the bu**un? The ingredients were super fresh and it tasted super amazing!, The car we bought drives super fast! And then I had to take the Range Rover in for serviiiiiiiiice, I mean, Im like sooo worn out ( vocal fry). I find that more often there is not an understanding of why this might be appropriate, especially by my younger students & family members. Wait, what is the worst, because it pretends to be clever and original, and is the polar opposite of both. The one Im most sick of hearing and seeing is OMG.its not only extremely annoying and offensive, it makes the person using this abbreviation seem ignorant, unintelligent and immature, but it also happens to be highly blasphemous. Many shop assistants think they are being kind referring to me as Sweetheart or Hun. Many men do this also, although its usually not as noticeable as creaky voice in women, because mens voice are deeper to begin with so the pitch drop doesnt contrast as much with their normal pitch/phonation. She, indeed, speaks in a style you typically don't hear on serious news channels which NPR is special for . One person in particular uses a combination of vocal fry (at times), saying so at the end of sentences, using upspeak, AND drawing words out (I guess while thinking of what to say). May I direct my fellow annoyed speech watchers to a major culprit leading to these speech patterns? Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. Hmm How about overuse of exclamation points? Its interrupted cadence. Yep, that's right. Just observant. Its a strange phenomenon in my mind, but of course trends come and go. Thanks for your comment and video. It was the most annoying thing I had ever heard. They want profit without first investing in professionalism, imo. (Smirk. 1. But perhaps it is also a societal takeover of inferior standards that will continue to decline. I am now annoyed by the nasal and elongated pronunciation of me, voiced by women. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. Filler words mean people are thinking in the moment, he added. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. I believe it to be the key to longevity. Please shut up!!! So, like, gag me with a spoon, you know? Yes, I understand that my fixated attention on these patterns is what is causing me to be distracted. Then there is borough , pronounced burra, the yanks say burrow, thats what a mole does in your garden. So many things about schooling have been grating AND concerning me for quite a while! Listen out for it ; itll shock you just how common it is! Politician: Look, we in my state believe that those people working in the aerospace industry are important. My wife has been sucked in and watches all of these, albeit now in private, as I spend most of my time pointing out how these dumb narcissistic losers, sap the very life out of all right-thinking folks within humanity. Youve covered it all, including the Yes, no stupidity. . "You have an opportunity as a listener to expand your worldview by hearing all different types of voices," Sanders said. I remember one teenage girl who was working the cash register at a local convenience store. I first noticed this 10 years ago watching Dora the Explorer with my Daughter. I have a friend who can code switch very well. As he remarkedthey have to teach to the middle to create any sense of moving forward in such large groups. Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. At the end of a sentence? thing (and, as illustrated, often prematurely ending a sentence that actually wasnt? Well, if you look at the data, youll kind of notice that theres a trend that sort of jumps out at you.. Ive get so annoyed when people do that!! Or, when listening to a reporter or expert contributor on radio or television. Though, not usually in a professional setting. Is it the c thats throwing them, or are they getting it confused with the word anxious? or common mispronunciation: Realtor, not Real a tor. That happened to Mike Cooper, a voice-over artist who recently stumbled upon his voice being used without his knowledge for AI. Every slimy toady in gangster movies said yeah yeah yeah, Boss, I hear ya, I hear ya! . I find it close to impossible to think that these sounds are solely mimicry. I suppose since the rulers of NPR have daughters who all speak like this. There are several blogs online, written by women who think society needs to stop being critical of their way of talking; i.e. Or, should I say, I have tried to adjust? It is not possible. It really became a battle of negative personalities in a race to the bottom of common decency.. 'Voice' Author Explores Accents, Language And What Makes A Tone Sexy writer John Colapinto says the development of vocal structures may have been the key to humans' becoming the dominant species. Allison I have to chuckle at your comment, since just last night, while watching one of the football playoff games, my husband was getting quite annoyed at Tony Romos continuous use of the word right? uptick included, while commentating. What I notice is the use of Well, before almost every response by news panelists. The biggest one that I hear it in is when celebrities say singer. !, WAIT-aahh. An article in England stated that bosses would not employ anyone who used this phrasing, as they felt that they were unsure of themselves. Even in filipino words like palapag theyll say palapag-gah'the gah sounds like when you pronounce the letter G. They do this do the last letter of the last word of the their sentence. There are two in particular that drive me insane: different than and misnomer.. I am seriously thinking of finding a new provider for that very reason. Oh, and yes, I know I left off many other annoying speech patterns. But its also absolutely true. And, like a highly contagious virus, it is possible that by simply reading this post, you too will become afflicted! Someone above grits their teeth at Americans and Brits speaking. Thats longstanding or new when I hear ya, I no longer care far more than. Lol, but they actually detract from the message and accept their thanks as your praise remote... Bob Garfield lamented a frightening tic invading American speech it to my attention was moun or we. We dont understand something Valley podcaster ( and NPR on the Media host ) Bob Garfield lamented npr voices annoying frightening invading... 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