over time repetitive axial loading will increase

2007). !&+Iu!'gU0!)N`@!!E@I!d=]i! 2003; Masuoka et al. *)Tj 2.8802 -0.763 TD 0.6615 Tc (*. !/(AY".BG_!ndQr!7(cT!8[gZ"M=f^!j2W""RlRm Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. "=:8T,lo,X\Gu&+80CC3s6sDe=UH;q)^-A-/M'On,>1m;=Kjh:)^-A-/M'On,>1m; From recently published Along with the axial load, a radial load also acts on an object, and the combination of these two loads is known as combined load. [C,VYQ.L%YQ8083\M=% )Tj ET 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 1 i 243.718 622.49 m 252.995 622.49 l 291.477 622.49 m 311.904 622.49 l 325.211 622.49 m 343.202 622.49 l 252.339 586.007 m 270.736 586.007 l 284.043 586.007 m 330.802 586.007 l S BT /F9 1 Tf 11.994 0 2.639 12.015 222.103 619.392 Tm 0 Tw (s)Tj 6.0585 -0.763 TD 2.1079 Tc (ss)Tj -5.3905 -2.2734 TD 0 Tc (s)Tj 2.5526 0.7318 TD (s)Tj 11.994 0 0 12.015 233.785 619.392 Tm 1.3 Tc [(=\336)154.2(=)-963.5(=)]TJ 0.7187 -3.0365 TD 2.0942 Tc [(==)-2364.6(=)]TJ /F7 1 Tf 0.2135 3.6641 TD 0 Tc (P)Tj 0.0234 -1.3906 TD (A)Tj 2.1823 0.763 TD (A)Tj 1.7708 0.6276 TD 2.5713 Tc (PP)Tj -3.263 -4.4271 TD 0.2588 Tc (FS)Tj 5.2109 1.3906 TD 0 Tc (psi)Tj 4.9375 -0.6276 TD (psi)Tj 6.997 0 0 7.009 301.347 607.19 Tm [(all)-3591.3(all)]TJ -10.0982 -3.8973 TD (all)Tj 4.692 1.2589 TD (y)Tj /F3 1 Tf 4.933 5.0268 TD (max)Tj 11.994 0 0 12.015 260.928 573.742 Tm 3.4818 Tc (..)Tj 1.9687 1.3906 TD 0 Tc (36000)Tj 1.263 -1.3906 TD 0.25 Tc (13)Tj 3.6745 0.763 TD 0 Tc (27692)Tj ET 0.501 w 299.09 544.551 m 311.38 544.551 l S BT /F7 1 Tf 12.008 0 0 12.034 279.014 541.448 Tm 2.9229 Tc (AW)Tj /F9 1 Tf 0.8438 0 TD 0 Tc (=)Tj /F3 1 Tf 1.0885 0.6276 TD (1)Tj -0.2865 -1.3906 TD (16)Tj 7.005 0 0 7.02 330.236 538.44 Tm (2)Tj 12.008 0 0 12.034 313.631 541.448 Tm (*)Tj ET 0.5 w 226.486 502.609 m 246.865 502.609 l 260.18 502.609 m 314.784 502.609 l S BT /F7 1 Tf 12.002 0 0 11.985 200.075 499.519 Tm (W)Tj 3.2344 0.6276 TD 4.8786 Tc [(Pl)4878.6(b)]TJ 4.7708 -1.3906 TD 0 Tc (psi)Tj 4.8281 0.763 TD [(in)-3300.1(in)]TJ 7.001 0 0 6.991 236.332 487.347 Tm (all)Tj /F3 1 Tf -3.9241 1.3125 TD (2)Tj 12.002 0 0 11.985 226.174 507.041 Tm [(16)-1807.3(16)-729.2(1000)]TJ 3.2057 -1.3906 TD (27692)Tj 5.4688 0.763 TD [(5777)-1802(0)-250(580)]TJ /F9 1 Tf -9.4766 0 TD 2.2583 Tc [(==)-2851.6(=)-1210.9(\273)]TJ 12.002 0 2.64 11.985 227.736 490.375 Tm 0 Tc (s)Tj /F3 1 Tf 12.002 0 0 11.985 273.714 507.041 Tm (*)Tj 4.4635 -0.6276 TD 4.3021 Tc (..)Tj /F6 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 90.001 462.257 Tm 0.0001 Tc 0.001 Tw (Upper Section)Tj /F4 1 Tf 0 -1.4 TD 0 Tc 0.0002 Tw (This section needs more thought because we do not have all the necessary information to)Tj 0 -1.16 TD 0 Tw (insert into an equation. !!<9t!42_b"60B6!,DYg! /MYQ.$u6nKqjYQdJ!#=E&0/MYYWuX$!/hu)/AR.%\.AXL?n2Xr,@k4f=Khm9 The bracket cannot deform while loaded more than)Tj T* 0.0002 Tw (0.005 in. Correspondence to The)Tj -10.66 -1.14 TD 0.0002 Tw (following formula is found in Roark and Young \(1989\); it defines the value of K for a)Tj 0 -1.16 TD (hole based on geometric properties. BT /F4 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 90.001 709.217 Tm 0 g BX /GS1 gs EX 0 Tc 0.0002 Tw (and F.S. )Tj 3 -1.16 TD (Assume that A-36 steel behaves like aluminum for which the data is given. Next, round that number up \(or down depending on the application\))Tj T* 0.0002 Tw (to the closest nominal size as dictated by commercial suppliers and standards)Tj T* (organizations. The axial load will also result in deflection, which is. )Tj /F10 1 Tf -1.5 -1.16 TD (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD 0.0002 Tw (It is welded on both sides a depth c into fixture)Tj /F10 1 Tf -1.5 -1.16 TD 0 Tw (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD 0.0001 Tw (The length above the fillet is 1 in., the length where the fillet occurs is 0.5 in, and the)Tj 0 -1.14 TD 0 Tw (length below the fillet is 0.5 in. A = 3.14 0.252 = 0.196 m2The stress due to this axial load can be calculated as. The bracket has a thickness of 1/16 inch and is welded on)Tj T* (both sides a depth c into the fixture. The tendency of an elastic to overcome the deformation it faces is its stiffness, and Youngs modulus is the measure of this stiffness. 3^#6j+J0t^5UMeb1-ctJR5.#SNfl._+HDU?5UM/C1-ct8N&!XFH@[h:+F8So5UL;j The creep coefficient (t,t0) was calculated by Eq. For eccentrically loaded columns subjected to combined moment and axial load, curvature (or lateral displacement) and axial shortening increase with time due to the creep and shrinkage of concrete. )Tj -1.5 -3.46 TD (3. BT /F4 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 214.081 695.537 Tm 0 g BX /GS1 gs EX 0 Tc 0.0003 Tw (First, we will do summation of forces:)Tj /F7 1 Tf 12.009 0 0 12 242.771 680.417 Tm 4.2796 Tc [(FV)1221.3(V)]TJ 7.005 0 0 7 248.713 677.417 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (y)Tj /F9 1 Tf 18.014 0 0 18 228.072 677.698 Tm (\345)Tj 12.009 0 0 12 286.304 680.417 Tm 1.6567 Tc [(-=)679.7(\336)500.5(=)]TJ /F3 1 Tf -2.5911 0 TD 0 Tc [(:)-99.6(1000)-968.6(2)-1755.2(0)-3161.5(500)]TJ ET 0 G 0 J 0 j 0.5 w 10 M []0 d 1 i 110.688 646.609 m 120.095 646.609 l 158.595 646.609 m 174.595 646.609 l 235.282 646.609 m 251.282 646.609 l 289.938 646.609 m 327.97 646.609 l 366.626 646.609 m 432.407 646.609 l S BT /F9 1 Tf 12 0 2.64 11.985 91.095 643.519 Tm (t)Tj 5.8007 -0.763 TD 5.9516 Tc (ttt)Tj 12 0 0 11.985 100.751 643.519 Tm 1.8599 Tc [(=)549.5(\336)714.1(=\336)-1134.9(=\336)701.1(=)-1835.9(\336)701.1(=)-4182.2(=)-1372.4(\273)]TJ /F7 1 Tf 0.8698 0.6276 TD 0 Tc (V)Tj 0.0912 -1.3906 TD (A)Tj 2.1875 0.763 TD (A)Tj 1.9896 0.6276 TD (V)Tj 2.474 -0.6276 TD 1.0055 Tc (WC)Tj 3.9167 0.6276 TD 0 Tc (V)Tj 2.4766 -0.6276 TD (C)Tj 2.9948 0.6276 TD (V)Tj -1.1849 -1.3906 TD (W)Tj 4.5807 0.763 TD 13.6559 Tc [(Ci)13655.9(n)]TJ 7 0 0 6.991 165.251 631.347 Tm 0 Tc [(all)-9899.3(all)-9899.3(all)]TJ /F3 1 Tf 5.0089 1.3125 TD (1)Tj 14.0625 -1.308 TD (1)Tj 12 0 0 11.985 390.47 651.041 Tm (500)Tj -2.013 -1.3906 TD [(1)-250(815)-700.5(11610)]TJ 6.5937 0.763 TD [(0)-250(0237)-1020.7(0)-250(025)]TJ -19.9271 0 TD (*)Tj 8.2031 -0.763 TD 5.1302 Tc [(*. )rq# Thus, the force generated by the load is 98 N. The area of the cross-section is. 'pU*!,2FA = F/AHere, = The stress caused by the axial load.F = The force generated by the axial load.A = The area of the cross-section. Axial loading is top-down loading - meaning the weight during the lift is moving vertically instead of horizontally. Mechanical loads are associated with casing hanging weight, shock loads during running, packer loads during production and workovers, and hanger loads. Use a factor of safety of 1.3. This information may be useful to consider for the diagnosis and. !.4ct!0I8H!1j1t!4`*U!8.A*!8de9!kB!-eL0!2T\! All experiment were financially supported by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) funded by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (Grant No. )Tj -6.0807 0.6276 TD 0 Tc [(1)-250(7)0(5)-942.7(0)-250(7511)]TJ 2.4714 -1.3906 TD (2)Tj 5.9505 0.763 TD [(0)-250(080)]TJ /F4 1 Tf 2.3542 0 TD 0.0001 Tw (, then use the area found to find the deformation)Tj -16.5 -1.88 TD 0 Tw (of that section. We must:)Tj /F10 1 Tf T* (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD 0.0002 Tw (Guess at a value for the width of the upper section)Tj /F10 1 Tf -1.5 -1.14 TD 0 Tw (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD 0.0002 Tw (Substitute it into a formula or use a graph to find K, the stress concentration factor)Tj /F10 1 Tf -1.5 -1.18 TD 0 Tw (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD (Calculate )Tj /F10 1 Tf 4.0272 0 TD (s)Tj /F4 1 Tf 6.96 0 0 6.96 163.564 387.377 Tm (trial)Tj /F10 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 90.001 375.377 Tm (\267)Tj /F13 1 Tf 0.46 0 TD ( )Tj /F4 1 Tf 1.04 0 TD (Check )Tj /F10 1 Tf 2.8052 0 TD (s)Tj /F4 1 Tf 6.96 0 0 6.96 148.899 372.977 Tm (trial )Tj 12 0 0 12 163.592 375.377 Tm 0.0002 Tw (against an allowable stress to see if our guess was accurate within a)Tj -4.6326 -1.18 TD (reasonable tolerance or not. )Tj ET 1 g 133.681 162.737 321.84 193.68 re f 0.004 w 134.161 355.817 320.88 -192.48 re S 0.753 g 161.521 339.617 278.16 -145.44 re f* 0.005 w 161.521 215.295 m 439.685 215.295 l 161.521 235.455 m 439.685 235.455 l 161.521 256.815 m 439.685 256.815 l 161.521 276.975 m 439.685 276.975 l 161.521 298.335 m 439.685 298.335 l 161.521 318.495 m 439.685 318.495 l 161.521 339.615 m 439.685 339.615 l S 0.502 G 1.2 w 161.521 339.017 m 440.641 339.017 l S 0.96 w 440.161 339.617 m 440.161 192.977 l S 1.2 w 161.521 193.577 m 440.641 193.577 l S 0.96 w 162.001 339.617 m 162.001 192.977 l S 0 G 0.004 w 161.523 339.617 m 161.523 194.172 l S 0.005 w 159.601 194.175 m 161.525 194.175 l 159.601 215.295 m 161.525 215.295 l 159.601 235.455 m 161.525 235.455 l 159.601 256.815 m 161.525 256.815 l 159.601 276.975 m 161.525 276.975 l 159.601 298.335 m 161.525 298.335 l 159.601 318.495 m 161.525 318.495 l 159.601 339.615 m 161.525 339.615 l 161.521 194.175 m 439.685 194.175 l S 0.004 w 161.523 194.177 m 161.523 191.772 l 201.603 194.177 m 201.603 191.772 l 240.723 194.177 m 240.723 191.772 l 280.563 194.177 m 280.563 191.772 l 320.643 194.177 m 320.643 191.772 l 360.723 194.177 m 360.723 191.772 l 399.603 194.177 m 399.603 191.772 l 439.683 194.177 m 439.683 191.772 l S 0 0 0.502 rg 161.521 318.497 m 162.481 318.497 l 166.561 317.297 l 166.561 316.097 l 165.601 316.097 l 161.521 317.297 l f 165.601 317.297 m 166.561 317.297 l 170.641 316.097 l 170.641 314.897 l 169.681 314.897 l 165.601 316.097 l f 169.681 316.097 m 170.641 316.097 l 174.481 315.137 l 174.481 313.937 l 173.521 313.937 l 169.681 314.897 l f 173.521 315.137 m 174.481 315.137 l 178.561 313.937 l 178.561 312.737 l 177.601 312.737 l 173.521 313.937 l f 177.601 313.937 m 178.561 313.937 l 182.641 312.737 l 182.641 311.537 l 181.681 311.537 l 177.601 312.737 l f 181.681 312.737 m 182.641 312.737 l 186.481 311.777 l 186.481 310.577 l 185.521 310.577 l 181.681 311.537 l f 185.521 311.777 m 186.481 311.777 l 190.561 310.577 l 190.561 309.377 l 189.601 309.377 l 185.521 310.577 l f 189.601 310.577 m 190.561 310.577 l 194.641 309.377 l 194.641 308.177 l 193.681 308.177 l 189.601 309.377 l f 193.681 309.377 m 194.641 309.377 l 198.481 308.417 l 198.481 307.217 l 197.521 307.217 l 193.681 308.177 l f 197.521 308.417 m 198.481 308.417 l 202.561 307.217 l 202.561 306.017 l 201.601 306.017 l 197.521 307.217 l f 201.601 307.217 m 202.561 307.217 l 206.641 306.017 l 206.641 304.817 l 205.681 304.817 l 201.601 306.017 l f 205.681 306.017 m 206.641 306.017 l 210.481 305.057 l 210.481 303.857 l 209.521 303.857 l 205.681 304.817 l f 209.521 305.057 m 210.481 305.057 l 214.561 303.857 l 214.561 302.657 l 213.601 302.657 l 209.521 303.857 l f 0 0 0.502 RG 1.2 w 213.601 303.257 m 218.641 303.257 l S 217.681 303.857 m 218.641 303.857 l 222.481 302.657 l 222.481 301.457 l 221.521 301.457 l 217.681 302.657 l f 221.521 302.657 m 222.481 302.657 l 226.561 301.697 l 226.561 300.497 l 225.601 300.497 l 221.521 301.457 l f 225.601 301.697 m 226.561 301.697 l 230.641 300.497 l 230.641 299.297 l 229.681 299.297 l 225.601 300.497 l f 229.681 299.897 m 233.521 299.897 l S 232.561 300.497 m 233.521 300.497 l 237.601 299.297 l 237.601 298.097 l 236.641 298.097 l 232.561 299.297 l f 236.641 299.297 m 237.601 299.297 l 241.681 298.337 l 241.681 297.137 l 240.721 297.137 l 236.641 298.097 l f 240.721 298.337 m 241.681 298.337 l 245.521 297.137 l 245.521 295.937 l 244.561 295.937 l 240.721 297.137 l f 244.561 296.537 m 249.601 296.537 l 248.641 296.537 m 251.521 296.537 l S 250.561 297.137 m 251.521 297.137 l 253.681 295.937 l 253.681 294.737 l 252.721 294.737 l 250.561 295.937 l f 252.721 295.337 m 257.521 295.337 l S 256.561 295.937 m 257.521 295.937 l 261.601 294.977 l 261.601 293.777 l 260.641 293.777 l 256.561 294.737 l f 260.641 294.977 m 261.601 294.977 l 265.681 293.777 l 265.681 292.577 l 264.721 292.577 l 260.641 293.777 l f 264.721 293.177 m 269.521 293.177 l 268.561 293.177 m 271.681 293.177 l S 270.721 293.777 m 271.681 293.777 l 273.601 292.577 l 273.601 291.377 l 272.641 291.377 l 270.721 292.577 l f 272.641 291.977 m 277.681 291.977 l 276.721 291.977 m 279.601 291.977 l S 278.641 292.577 m 279.601 292.577 l 281.521 291.617 l 281.521 290.417 l 280.561 290.417 l 278.641 291.377 l f 280.561 291.017 m 285.601 291.017 l 284.641 291.017 m 287.521 291.017 l S 286.561 291.617 m 287.521 291.617 l 289.681 290.417 l 289.681 289.217 l 288.721 289.217 l 286.561 290.417 l f 288.721 289.817 m 293.521 289.817 l 292.561 289.817 m 295.681 289.817 l S 294.721 290.417 m 295.681 290.417 l 297.601 289.217 l 297.601 288.017 l 296.641 288.017 l 294.721 289.217 l f 296.641 288.617 m 301.681 288.617 l 300.721 288.617 m 305.521 288.617 l 304.561 288.617 m 307.681 288.617 l S 306.721 289.217 m 307.681 289.217 l 309.601 288.257 l 309.601 287.057 l 308.641 287.057 l 306.721 288.017 l f 308.641 287.657 m 313.681 287.657 l 312.721 287.657 m 315.601 287.657 l S 314.641 288.257 m 315.601 288.257 l 317.521 287.057 l 317.521 285.857 l 316.561 285.857 l 314.641 287.057 l f 316.561 286.457 m 321.601 286.457 l 320.641 286.457 m 325.681 286.457 l 324.721 286.457 m 327.601 286.457 l S 326.641 287.057 m 327.601 287.057 l 329.521 285.857 l 329.521 284.657 l 328.561 284.657 l 326.641 285.857 l f 328.561 285.257 m 333.601 285.257 l 332.641 285.257 m 337.681 285.257 l 336.721 285.257 m 339.601 285.257 l S 338.641 285.857 m 339.601 285.857 l 341.521 284.897 l 341.521 283.697 l 340.561 283.697 l 338.641 284.657 l f 340.561 284.297 m 345.601 284.297 l 344.641 284.297 m 349.681 284.297 l 348.721 284.297 m 353.521 284.297 l 352.561 284.297 m 355.681 284.297 l S 354.721 284.897 m 355.681 284.897 l 357.601 283.697 l 357.601 282.497 l 356.641 282.497 l 354.721 283.697 l f 356.641 283.097 m 361.681 283.097 l 360.721 283.097 m 365.521 283.097 l 364.561 283.097 m 369.601 283.097 l 368.641 283.097 m 372.481 283.097 l 371.521 283.097 m 374.641 283.097 l S 373.681 283.697 m 374.641 283.697 l 376.561 282.497 l 376.561 281.297 l 375.601 281.297 l 373.681 282.497 l f 375.601 281.897 m 380.641 281.897 l 379.681 281.897 m 384.481 281.897 l 383.521 281.897 m 388.561 281.897 l 387.601 281.897 m 392.641 281.897 l 391.681 281.897 m 394.561 281.897 l S 393.601 282.497 m 394.561 282.497 l 396.481 281.537 l 396.481 280.337 l 395.521 280.337 l 393.601 281.297 l f 395.521 280.937 m 400.561 280.937 l S BT /F6 1 Tf 8.321 0 0 9.319 150.957 190.316 Tm 0 g 0 Tw (0)Tj -0.8364 2.2922 TD 0.0263 Tc (0.5)Tj 0.8364 2.1633 TD 0 Tc (1)Tj -0.8364 2.2663 TD 0.0263 Tc (1.5)Tj 0.8364 2.1635 TD 0 Tc (2)Tj -0.8364 2.2922 TD 0.0263 Tc (2.5)Tj 0.8364 2.1633 TD 0 Tc (3)Tj -0.8364 2.2922 TD 0.0263 Tc (3.5)Tj 1.9325 -16.9465 TD [(0)-3744.1(0.1)-3203.6(0.2)-3347.9(0.3)-3318.9(0.4)-3347.9(0.5)-3232.4(0.6)-3319.1(0.7)]TJ ET 0 G 0.004 w 134.161 355.817 320.88 -192.48 re S 1 g 101.281 251.057 20.88 28.08 re f 1 G 0.003 w 100.921 279.497 21.6 -28.8 re S q 108.481 254.897 6.48 20.88 re W n BT /F4 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 108.481 265.217 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (K)Tj ET Q 266.881 138.017 85.68 20.88 re f 266.521 159.257 86.4 -21.6 re S BT /F4 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 274.081 144.737 Tm 0 g 0 Tc (2r/W)Tj ET endstream endobj 21 0 obj << /ProcSet [/PDF /Text ] /Font << /F3 6 0 R /F4 7 0 R /F6 8 0 R /F7 9 0 R /F9 11 0 R /F10 12 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 14 0 R >> >> endobj 23 0 obj << /Length 34972 >> stream )Tj -1.5 -1.18 TD 0.0001 Tc 0.0006 Tw [(FBD:)-18776.8(Stress Distribution:)]TJ ET 103.201 222.977 m 103.921 222.977 l 103.921 222.257 l 102.481 221.777 l 101.761 221.777 l 101.761 222.497 l f 104.881 223.457 m 105.601 223.457 l 105.601 222.737 l 103.921 222.257 l 103.201 222.257 l 103.201 222.977 l f 106.321 223.697 m 107.041 223.697 l 107.041 222.977 l 105.601 222.737 l 104.881 222.737 l 104.881 223.457 l f 0.72 w 106.321 223.337 m 108.481 223.337 l S 107.761 223.697 m 108.481 223.697 l 109.921 223.217 l 109.921 222.497 l 109.201 222.497 l 107.761 222.977 l f 109.201 223.217 m 109.921 223.217 l 110.881 222.977 l 110.881 222.257 l 110.161 222.257 l 109.201 222.497 l f 110.161 222.977 m 110.881 222.977 l 111.601 222.497 l 111.601 221.777 l 110.881 221.777 l 110.161 222.257 l f 110.881 222.497 m 111.601 222.497 l 112.081 222.257 l 112.081 221.537 l 111.361 221.537 l 110.881 221.777 l f 111.721 222.257 m 111.721 220.817 l S 111.361 221.537 m 112.081 221.537 l 112.081 220.817 l 111.841 220.097 l 111.121 220.097 l 111.121 220.817 l f 111.121 220.817 m 111.841 220.817 l 111.841 220.097 l 111.361 219.857 l 110.641 219.857 l 110.641 220.577 l f 111.001 220.577 m 111.001 219.857 l 110.641 220.217 m 111.601 220.217 l S 111.601 220.817 m 112.321 220.817 l 112.321 220.097 l 111.601 219.857 l 110.881 219.857 l 110.881 220.577 l f 112.561 221.057 m 113.281 221.057 l 113.281 220.337 l 112.321 220.097 l 111.601 220.097 l 111.601 220.817 l f 113.761 221.537 m 114.481 221.537 l 114.481 220.817 l 113.281 220.337 l 112.561 220.337 l 112.561 221.057 l f 113.761 221.537 m 114.481 221.537 l 116.641 221.297 l 116.641 220.577 l 115.921 220.577 l 113.761 220.817 l f 115.921 221.297 m 116.641 221.297 l 117.601 221.057 l 117.601 220.337 l 116.881 220.337 l 115.921 220.577 l f 116.881 221.057 m 117.601 221.057 l 118.561 220.577 l 118.561 219.857 l 117.841 219.857 l 116.881 220.337 l f 117.841 220.577 m 118.561 220.577 l 119.041 219.857 l 119.041 219.137 l 118.321 219.137 l 117.841 219.857 l f 118.321 219.857 m 119.041 219.857 l 119.521 218.897 l 119.521 218.177 l 118.801 218.177 l 118.321 219.137 l f 118.801 218.897 m 119.521 218.897 l 119.761 217.937 l 119.761 217.217 l 119.041 217.217 l 118.801 218.177 l f 119.041 217.937 m 119.761 217.937 l 120.481 217.697 l 120.481 216.977 l 119.761 216.977 l 119.041 217.217 l f 120.721 217.937 m 121.441 217.937 l 121.441 217.217 l 120.481 216.977 l 119.761 216.977 l 119.761 217.697 l f 121.441 218.657 m 122.161 218.657 l 122.161 217.937 l 121.441 217.217 l 120.721 217.217 l 120.721 217.937 l f 121.921 219.617 m 122.641 219.617 l 122.641 218.897 l 122.161 217.937 l 121.441 217.937 l 121.441 218.657 l f 122.641 220.577 m 123.361 220.577 l 123.361 219.857 l 122.641 218.897 l 121.921 218.897 l 121.921 219.617 l f 124.801 222.017 m 125.521 222.017 l 125.521 221.297 l 123.361 219.857 l 122.641 219.857 l 122.641 220.577 l f 126.721 223.697 m 127.441 223.697 l 127.441 222.977 l 125.521 221.297 l 124.801 221.297 l 124.801 222.017 l f 126.721 223.697 m 127.441 223.697 l 128.161 222.497 l 128.161 221.777 l 127.441 221.777 l 126.721 222.977 l f 127.441 222.497 m 128.161 222.497 l 128.641 221.297 l 128.641 220.577 l 127.921 220.577 l 127.441 221.777 l f 127.921 221.297 m 128.641 221.297 l 129.601 220.097 l 129.601 219.377 l 128.881 219.377 l 127.921 220.577 l f 128.881 220.097 m 129.601 220.097 l 130.561 219.617 l 130.561 218.897 l 129.841 218.897 l 128.881 219.377 l f 129.841 219.617 m 130.561 219.617 l 133.201 219.377 l 133.201 218.657 l 132.481 218.657 l 129.841 218.897 l f 132.481 219.377 m 133.201 219.377 l 135.361 219.137 l 135.361 218.417 l 134.641 218.417 l 132.481 218.657 l f 136.321 219.377 m 137.041 219.377 l 137.041 218.657 l 135.361 218.417 l 134.641 218.417 l 134.641 219.137 l f 136.321 219.017 m 138.241 219.017 l S 138.481 219.857 m 139.201 219.857 l 139.201 219.137 l 138.241 218.657 l 137.521 218.657 l 137.521 219.377 l f 138.961 220.097 m 139.681 220.097 l 139.681 219.377 l 139.201 219.137 l 138.481 219.137 l 138.481 219.857 l f 139.681 221.057 m 140.401 221.057 l 140.401 220.337 l 139.681 219.377 l 138.961 219.377 l 138.961 220.097 l f 140.041 221.537 m 140.041 220.337 l 139.681 221.177 m 140.641 221.177 l S 139.921 221.537 m 140.641 221.537 l 140.881 221.297 l 140.881 220.577 l 140.161 220.577 l 139.921 220.817 l f 140.161 221.297 m 140.881 221.297 l 141.601 220.817 l 141.601 220.097 l 140.881 220.097 l 140.161 220.577 l f 140.881 220.817 m 141.601 220.817 l 142.321 219.857 l 142.321 219.137 l 141.601 219.137 l 140.881 220.097 l f 141.601 219.857 m 142.321 219.857 l 143.521 218.657 l 143.521 217.937 l 142.801 217.937 l 141.601 219.137 l f 143.521 219.377 m 144.241 219.377 l 144.241 218.657 l 143.521 217.937 l 142.801 217.937 l 142.801 218.657 l f 144.241 220.337 m 144.961 220.337 l 144.961 219.617 l 144.241 218.657 l 143.521 218.657 l 143.521 219.377 l f 144.961 221.057 m 145.681 221.057 l 145.681 220.337 l 144.961 219.617 l 144.241 219.617 l 144.241 220.337 l f 145.681 221.537 m 146.401 221.537 l 146.401 220.817 l 145.681 220.337 l 144.961 220.337 l 144.961 221.057 l f 146.881 221.777 m 147.601 221.777 l 147.601 221.057 l 146.401 220.817 l 145.681 220.817 l 145.681 221.537 l f 146.881 221.777 m 147.601 221.777 l 148.321 221.537 l 148.321 220.817 l 147.601 220.817 l 146.881 221.057 l f 147.601 221.537 m 148.321 221.537 l 149.041 221.297 l 149.041 220.577 l 148.321 220.577 l 147.601 220.817 l f 148.321 221.297 m 149.041 221.297 l 149.521 220.577 l 149.521 219.857 l 148.801 219.857 l 148.321 220.577 l f 148.801 220.577 m 149.521 220.577 l 150.241 219.137 l 150.241 218.417 l 149.521 218.417 l 148.801 219.857 l f 149.521 219.137 m 150.241 219.137 l 150.481 217.697 l 150.481 216.977 l 149.761 216.977 l 149.521 218.417 l f 151.201 217.937 m 151.921 217.937 l 151.921 217.217 l 150.481 216.977 l 149.761 216.977 l 149.761 217.697 l f 151.921 218.177 m 152.641 218.177 l 152.641 217.457 l 151.921 217.217 l 151.201 217.217 l 151.201 217.937 l f 152.641 218.657 m 153.361 218.657 l 153.361 217.937 l 152.641 217.457 l 151.921 217.457 l 151.921 218.177 l f 153.121 219.377 m 153.841 219.377 l 153.841 218.657 l 153.361 217.937 l 152.641 217.937 l 152.641 218.657 l f 153.601 220.337 m 154.321 220.337 l 154.321 219.617 l 153.841 218.657 l 153.121 218.657 l 153.121 219.377 l f 154.081 221.057 m 154.801 221.057 l 154.801 220.337 l 154.321 219.617 l 153.601 219.617 l 153.601 220.337 l f 154.801 221.537 m 155.521 221.537 l 155.521 220.817 l 154.801 220.337 l 154.081 220.337 l 154.081 221.057 l f 154.801 221.177 m 156.481 221.177 l S 155.761 221.537 m 156.481 221.537 l 157.441 221.297 l 157.441 220.577 l 156.721 220.577 l 155.761 220.817 l f 156.721 221.297 m 157.441 221.297 l 159.361 220.577 l 159.361 219.857 l 158.641 219.857 l 156.721 220.577 l f 159.361 221.537 m 160.081 221.537 l 160.081 220.817 l 159.361 219.857 l 158.641 219.857 l 158.641 220.577 l f 159.841 222.497 m 160.561 222.497 l 160.561 221.777 l 160.081 220.817 l 159.361 220.817 l 159.361 221.537 l f 160.321 223.457 m 161.041 223.457 l 161.041 222.737 l 160.561 221.777 l 159.841 221.777 l 159.841 222.497 l f 160.561 223.697 m 161.281 223.697 l 161.281 222.977 l 161.041 222.737 l 160.321 222.737 l 160.321 223.457 l f 160.561 223.337 m 161.521 223.337 l 161.161 223.697 m 161.161 222.497 l S 160.801 223.217 m 161.521 223.217 l 162.001 222.497 l 162.001 221.777 l 161.281 221.777 l 160.801 222.497 l f 161.281 222.497 m 162.001 222.497 l 162.961 222.017 l 162.961 221.297 l 162.241 221.297 l 161.281 221.777 l f 162.241 222.017 m 162.961 222.017 l 164.401 221.537 l 164.401 220.817 l 163.681 220.817 l 162.241 221.297 l f 163.681 221.177 m 166.321 221.177 l S 167.281 221.777 m 168.001 221.777 l 168.001 221.057 l 166.321 220.817 l 165.601 220.817 l 165.601 221.537 l f 168.961 222.257 m 169.681 222.257 l 169.681 221.537 l 168.001 221.057 l 167.281 221.057 l 167.281 221.777 l f 170.641 222.497 m 171.361 222.497 l 171.361 221.777 l 169.681 221.537 l 168.961 221.537 l 168.961 222.257 l f 170.641 222.497 m 171.361 222.497 l 173.041 222.017 l 173.041 221.297 l 172.321 221.297 l 170.641 221.777 l f 172.321 222.017 m 173.041 222.017 l 173.761 221.537 l 173.761 220.817 l 173.041 220.817 l 172.321 221.297 l f 173.041 221.177 m 174.481 221.177 l S 174.481 222.017 m 175.201 222.017 l 175.201 221.297 l 174.481 220.817 l 173.761 220.817 l 173.761 221.537 l f 175.201 222.737 m 175.921 222.737 l 175.921 222.017 l 175.201 221.297 l 174.481 221.297 l 174.481 222.017 l f 175.921 223.457 m 176.641 223.457 l 176.641 222.737 l 175.921 222.017 l 175.201 222.017 l 175.201 222.737 l f 176.641 223.697 m 177.361 223.697 l 177.361 222.977 l 176.641 222.737 l 175.921 222.737 l 175.921 223.457 l f 176.641 223.697 m 177.361 223.697 l 178.321 223.457 l 178.321 222.737 l 177.601 222.737 l 176.641 222.977 l f 177.601 223.457 m 178.321 223.457 l 179.041 222.977 l 179.041 222.257 l 178.321 222.257 l 177.601 222.737 l f 178.321 222.977 m 179.041 222.977 l 179.761 222.257 l 179.761 221.537 l 179.041 221.537 l 178.321 222.257 l f 179.041 222.257 m 179.761 222.257 l 180.481 221.537 l 180.481 220.817 l 179.761 220.817 l 179.041 221.537 l f 179.761 221.537 m 180.481 221.537 l 181.441 220.337 l 181.441 219.617 l 180.721 219.617 l 179.761 220.817 l f 180.721 220.337 m 181.441 220.337 l 181.921 219.137 l 181.921 218.417 l 181.201 218.417 l 180.721 219.617 l f 181.201 219.137 m 181.921 219.137 l 182.401 218.657 l 182.401 217.937 l 181.681 217.937 l 181.201 218.417 l f 181.681 218.657 m 182.401 218.657 l 182.641 218.177 l 182.641 217.457 l 181.921 217.457 l 181.681 217.937 l f 182.281 218.177 m 182.281 217.217 l S 181.681 218.657 m 182.401 218.657 l 182.641 217.937 l 182.641 217.217 l 181.921 217.217 l 181.681 217.937 l f 181.441 219.377 m 182.161 219.377 l 182.401 218.657 l 182.401 217.937 l 181.681 217.937 l 181.441 218.657 l f 181.681 220.337 m 182.401 220.337 l 182.401 219.617 l 182.161 218.657 l 181.441 218.657 l 181.441 219.377 l f 182.401 221.297 m 183.121 221.297 l 183.121 220.577 l 182.401 219.617 l 181.681 219.617 l 181.681 220.337 l f 182.881 221.537 m 183.601 221.537 l 183.601 220.817 l 183.121 220.577 l 182.401 220.577 l 182.401 221.297 l f 182.881 221.177 m 184.561 221.177 l S 183.841 221.537 m 184.561 221.537 l 186.001 221.297 l 186.001 220.577 l 185.281 220.577 l 183.841 220.817 l f 185.281 221.297 m 186.001 221.297 l 186.961 220.337 l 186.961 219.617 l 186.241 219.617 l 185.281 220.577 l f 186.241 220.337 m 186.961 220.337 l 188.161 219.617 l 188.161 218.897 l 187.441 218.897 l 186.241 219.617 l f 187.441 219.617 m 188.161 219.617 l 189.361 218.657 l 189.361 217.937 l 188.641 217.937 l 187.441 218.897 l f 189.121 219.377 m 189.841 219.377 l 189.841 218.657 l 189.361 217.937 l 188.641 217.937 l 188.641 218.657 l f 189.601 220.337 m 190.321 220.337 l 190.321 219.617 l 189.841 218.657 l 189.121 218.657 l 189.121 219.377 l f 190.081 221.057 m 190.801 221.057 l 190.801 220.337 l 190.321 219.617 l 189.601 219.617 l 189.601 220.337 l f 190.801 221.537 m 191.521 221.537 l 191.521 220.817 l 190.801 220.337 l 190.081 220.337 l 190.081 221.057 l f 192.001 221.777 m 192.721 221.777 l 192.721 221.057 l 191.521 220.817 l 190.801 220.817 l 190.801 221.537 l f 192.001 221.777 m 192.721 221.777 l 193.681 221.297 l 193.681 220.577 l 192.961 220.577 l 192.001 221.057 l f 192.961 221.297 m 193.681 221.297 l 194.641 220.337 l 194.641 219.617 l 193.921 219.617 l 192.961 220.577 l f 193.921 220.337 m 194.641 220.337 l 195.361 219.617 l 195.361 218.897 l 194.641 218.897 l 193.921 219.617 l f 111.601 238.937 m 191.041 238.937 l S 112.321 242.897 m 104.401 239.057 l 112.321 235.217 l 112.321 242.897 l f* 190.081 235.217 m 198.001 239.057 l 190.081 242.897 l 190.081 235.217 l f* 1 g 364.081 189.617 92.88 20.88 re f 363.721 210.857 93.6 -21.6 re 385.321 211.217 m 385.321 196.337 l S 0 g 381.361 197.297 m 385.201 189.377 l 389.041 197.297 l 381.361 197.297 l f* 399.721 211.217 m 399.721 196.337 l S 395.761 197.297 m 399.601 189.377 l 403.441 197.297 l 395.761 197.297 l f* 414.121 211.217 m 414.121 196.337 l S 410.161 197.297 m 414.001 189.377 l 417.841 197.297 l 410.161 197.297 l f* 428.521 211.217 m 428.521 196.337 l S 424.561 197.297 m 428.401 189.377 l 432.241 197.297 l 424.561 197.297 l f* 442.921 211.217 m 442.921 196.337 l S 438.961 197.297 m 442.801 189.377 l 446.641 197.297 l 438.961 197.297 l f* 1 g 364.081 211.217 92.88 71.28 re f 363.721 282.857 93.6 -72 re 370.921 211.217 m 370.921 196.337 l S 0 g 366.961 197.297 m 370.801 189.377 l 374.641 197.297 l 366.961 197.297 l f* 1 g 421.02 278.52 m 421.02 272.757 416.343 268.08 410.58 268.08 c 404.817 268.08 400.14 272.757 400.14 278.52 c 400.14 284.283 404.817 288.96 410.58 288.96 c 416.343 288.96 421.02 284.283 421.02 278.52 c f 421.38 278.52 m 421.38 272.558 416.542 267.72 410.58 267.72 c 404.618 267.72 399.78 272.558 399.78 278.52 c 399.78 284.482 404.618 289.32 410.58 289.32 c 416.542 289.32 421.38 284.482 421.38 278.52 c h 147.721 204.017 m 147.721 181.937 l S 0 g 143.761 182.897 m 147.601 174.977 l 151.441 182.897 l 143.761 182.897 l f* 147.721 326.177 m 147.721 300.257 l S 151.441 325.457 m 147.601 333.377 l 143.761 325.457 l 151.441 325.457 l f* 1 g 207.121 313.937 70.08 -48 re f* 0 g 168.001 305.057 m 168.721 305.057 l 168.721 304.337 l 148.561 263.297 l 147.841 263.297 l 147.841 264.017 l f 168.001 304.697 m 201.601 304.697 l S BT 12 0 0 12 214.801 299.297 Tm 0 Tc 0 Tw (D=0.25 in)Tj ET 1 G 215.761 710.057 m 295.681 710.057 l S 0 G 399.001 311.537 m 399.001 282.257 l S 402.721 310.817 m 398.881 318.737 l 395.041 310.817 l 402.721 310.817 l f* 371.041 295.697 m 371.761 295.697 l 371.761 294.977 l 365.761 293.777 l 365.041 293.777 l 365.041 294.497 l f 376.561 297.617 m 377.281 297.617 l 377.281 296.897 l 371.761 294.977 l 371.041 294.977 l 371.041 295.697 l f 381.601 299.777 m 382.321 299.777 l 382.321 299.057 l 377.281 296.897 l 376.561 296.897 l 376.561 297.617 l f 386.161 302.657 m 386.881 302.657 l 386.881 301.937 l 382.321 299.057 l 381.601 299.057 l 381.601 299.777 l f 390.001 305.777 m 390.721 305.777 l 390.721 305.057 l 386.881 301.937 l 386.161 301.937 l 386.161 302.657 l f 393.361 309.377 m 394.081 309.377 l 394.081 308.657 l 390.721 305.057 l 390.001 305.057 l 390.001 305.777 l f 396.001 313.217 m 396.721 313.217 l 396.721 312.497 l 394.081 308.657 l 393.361 308.657 l 393.361 309.377 l f 397.681 317.297 m 398.401 317.297 l 398.401 316.577 l 396.721 312.497 l 396.001 312.497 l 396.001 313.217 l f 363.001 287.537 m 363.001 279.857 l S 366.721 286.817 m 362.881 294.737 l 359.041 286.817 l 366.721 286.817 l f* 391.681 300.737 m 392.401 300.737 l 392.401 300.017 l 392.161 281.537 l 391.441 281.537 l 391.441 282.257 l f 395.761 299.777 m 391.921 307.697 l 388.081 299.777 l 395.761 299.777 l f* 383.881 291.617 m 383.881 282.257 l S 387.601 290.897 m 383.761 298.817 l 379.921 290.897 l 387.601 290.897 l f* 375.721 288.737 m 375.721 282.497 l S 379.441 288.017 m 375.601 295.937 l 371.761 288.017 l 379.441 288.017 l f* 450.481 296.177 m 451.201 296.177 l 457.441 295.217 l 457.441 294.497 l 456.721 294.497 l 450.481 295.457 l f 444.481 297.857 m 445.201 297.857 l 451.201 296.177 l 451.201 295.457 l 450.481 295.457 l 444.481 297.137 l f 438.961 300.017 m 439.681 300.017 l 445.201 297.857 l 445.201 297.137 l 444.481 297.137 l 438.961 299.297 l f 434.161 302.897 m 434.881 302.897 l 439.681 300.017 l 439.681 299.297 l 438.961 299.297 l 434.161 302.177 l f 429.841 306.017 m 430.561 306.017 l 434.881 302.897 l 434.881 302.177 l 434.161 302.177 l 429.841 305.297 l f 426.241 309.617 m 426.961 309.617 l 430.561 306.017 l 430.561 305.297 l 429.841 305.297 l 426.241 308.897 l f 423.361 313.457 m 424.081 313.457 l 426.961 309.617 l 426.961 308.897 l 426.241 308.897 l 423.361 312.737 l f 422.401 315.617 m 423.121 315.617 l 424.081 313.457 l 424.081 312.737 l 423.361 312.737 l 422.401 314.897 l f 421.441 317.777 m 422.161 317.777 l 423.121 315.617 l 423.121 314.897 l 422.401 314.897 l 421.441 317.057 l f 420.601 310.577 m 420.601 281.297 l S 424.321 309.857 m 420.481 317.777 l 416.641 309.857 l 424.321 309.857 l f* 428.761 300.497 m 428.761 281.537 l S 432.481 299.777 m 428.641 307.697 l 424.801 299.777 l 432.481 299.777 l f* 437.161 293.057 m 437.161 283.697 l S 440.881 292.337 m 437.041 300.257 l 433.201 292.337 l 440.881 292.337 l f* 446.041 289.697 m 446.041 283.457 l S 449.761 288.977 m 445.921 296.897 l 442.081 288.977 l 449.761 288.977 l f* 457.561 287.537 m 457.561 283.697 l S 461.281 286.817 m 457.441 294.737 l 453.601 286.817 l 461.281 286.817 l f* 1 g 161.82 257.64 m 161.82 251.877 157.143 247.2 151.38 247.2 c 145.617 247.2 140.94 251.877 140.94 257.64 c 140.94 263.403 145.617 268.08 151.38 268.08 c 157.143 268.08 161.82 263.403 161.82 257.64 c f 162.18 257.64 m 162.18 251.678 157.342 246.84 151.38 246.84 c 145.418 246.84 140.58 251.678 140.58 257.64 c 140.58 263.602 145.418 268.44 151.38 268.44 c 157.342 268.44 162.18 263.602 162.18 257.64 c s 0 g 154.561 259.217 m 155.281 259.217 l 155.281 258.497 l 148.081 256.097 l 147.361 256.097 l 147.361 256.817 l f 146.641 260.417 m 140.401 254.177 l 149.041 252.977 l 146.641 260.417 l f* 155.761 255.137 m 162.001 261.377 l 153.361 262.577 l 155.761 255.137 l f* 1 g 220.081 218.177 35.28 28.08 re f 1 G 219.721 246.617 36 -28.8 re S BT 12 0 0 12 227.281 232.337 Tm 0 g (W)Tj 6.96 0 0 6.96 238.61 229.937 Tm (1)Tj ET 0 G 104.521 281.777 m 104.521 224.177 l 195.001 281.057 m 195.001 219.617 l 104.161 282.137 m 194.401 282.137 l 192.961 238.937 m 221.761 238.937 l S 1 g 327.121 341.777 35.76 -48 re f* 0 g 393.121 333.137 m 393.841 333.137 l 399.601 318.497 l 399.601 317.777 l 398.881 317.777 l 393.121 332.417 l f 368.641 332.777 m 393.841 332.777 l S BT /F10 1 Tf 12 0 0 12 334.801 327.377 Tm (s)Tj /F4 1 Tf 6.96 0 0 6.96 342.037 324.977 Tm (max)Tj ET 1 g 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over time repetitive axial loading will increase

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