rockdoc jeff young

But it seemed like she wasnt the only one getting pain meds from the Rock Doc. (Fades under.). Rachel Fullington, an early employee of Youngs, told me Young wanted the clinics atmosphere to be loose and fun, while the others wanted it to be more buttoned-up. I cant wait to start being your patient again, one woman wrote. Young, 43, a Tennessee nurse practitioner who called himself 'Rock Doc' and once piloted . Were taking next week off to work on new stories, but well be back with new episodes starting April 15. And if you want to help other people discover the show, share it online with the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, and leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Young: Very nice. Two bouncers made sure she got home, but when she woke up in bed the next morning, her eyes were black, her nose was broken, and her mouth was bleeding. Tennessees nursing board, the main agency that has power over nurse practitioners in the state, launched its investigation into Young within a year of PreventaGenix opening. To have a medical provider be polite to you, accept you, maybe even dig through your charts to find the root cause of your ailmentsit can be validating. Youre just probably not feeling good. But they never believed us. I dont I dont even know what to say. Yes. His wife also loves animals and works in the same clinic. And people in the pilot gave testimonials saying as much. But as I talked to more patients, they started saying things that really surprised me. I mean, if somebody pats you on the back, that aint coming on to you. The waiting room often overflowed with patients. Occasionally he would glare at his ex-wife Dawn, who was in the gallery. Around 2013, Young allegedly prescribed hydrocodone, a benzodiazepine, and Adderall for a patient whose visits he described as a concierge-type thing, Pickering said in court. Hes so cute thats my brother and my best friend, Young says, giving Phillips a gentle kiss. One young man told me he went to Youngs house that year to pay cash for a vial, knowing that a traditional doctor would be unlikely to prescribe testosterone to a healthy teenage boy. Ballard: Most doctors dont wanna touch you, and they only wanna address one issue at a time. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. You can find Olgas written reporting on the Rock Doc at our website: He would chitchat with his patients, ask them about their latest tattoos. Nurses are consistently rated higher in honesty and ethics than all other professions that Gallup asks about, by a wide margin, the polling firm said in a January 2020 survey. A few months into their new venture, Reitz and Young were supposed to meet to discuss the running of the clinic. Young cries at his sons fifth-grade graduation, then explains that hes so emotional because his nurses are having their periods. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. Additional audio from Purdue Pharma, The Rock Doc TV Show, @JY2RocDoc, and Bat Pig Pictures. Our team also includes Gabrielle Berbey, Emily Botein, Matt Collette, Tracie Hunte, and me, Natalia Ramirez. To get from pharma lab to medicine cabinet, the drug needed to pass through one of the most sacred spaces in America. Angele Latham. (A meandering guitar melody enters the background. Khazan: But she did remember this one hint shed had that something might be wrong in Jeffs office. Longoria: Opioids would be a new kind of painkiller to treat not just acute pain after an event like a surgery, but also pain that was more mundane, like chronic back pain that patients would complain about for years, but which doctors didnt have a clear cure for. He wasnt in pain. Khazan: I was wondering if your ex-husband still supports Jeff or thinks he was a good medical provider. For the occasion of his detention hearing, Young wore a cerulean suit and a comb-over. You may not like my sexy-ass beard. Ultimately, what hastened Youngs downfall is that some of the female patients asking him for drugs were undercover officers. the rock doc' jeff young. (Fades under.). Im Julia Longoria. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for money, notoriety, and sexual favors.. Thats the only way you can describe it. The patients of the nurse practitioner and aspiring reality star Jeffrey Young say he helped them like nobody else could. Its joined at points by a line of harmony played on a synthesizer.). It fit neatly, at least, into a story I was already really familiar with: It was the greedy provider who was allegedly taking advantage of his patients. Khazan: Anyone online could watch him, say, biopsy someones skin while listening to hard rock. MY came to PreventaGenix complaining of lower-back pain and numbness in his left arm, and asked for refills of pain medications. Case 18-11780-BLS Doc 45 Filed 08/02/18 Page 1 of 1041. Yet he still attracted patients at GeneXis prior to his detention hearing in May 2019. But you know what? Young: That was what Im going to say. Young and the others were among dozens of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists arrested across seven states, targets in the nations largest takedown of medical providers related to prescription opioids. The feds say Young . [Laughs lightly.] We wont know if Young is guilty of everything the government says he is, or how much additional time, if any, he will serve, until later this year. Calles: I just wasnt getting the care I needed. Khazan: Or stitch someone up after they cut themselves on a wine glass. Unnamed guest: I cant believe he stabbed himself (Fades under.). Khazan: And some of what she saw really weirded her out. Why would he do this? His case before the nursing board stalled for two more years. Rumors started to spread in town that strange things were going on in Jeffs office. [Khazan laughs.] The first move of any significant consequence for Young came in early 2017, when the DEA raided the clinic. The sharpteeth charge through and run into the rock spire and fall down. Khazan: Ive talked to a lot of patients over the years who feel very uncomfortable around their doctors. The trial for "Rock Doc" Jeffrey Young, the infamous nurse practitioner from Jackson who was indicted in 2019 on drug trafficking charges and accused of . Young: (Over hard-rock music.) Not that theyre not watching internet porn. She was referred to Jeff by one of her friends. Khazan: Christi had really appreciated what Jeff did for her. This requirement is waived, however, in cases where public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.). MY died on August 25, 2015, from an apparent drug overdose. I said, um, So what are yall doing after-hour? every time. I mean, you wouldve thought they were giving away meds for free, to be honest. Jeff immediately sees that he is inyou know, hes in pretty bad shape. Thats okay. In an attempt to understand how Young got away with so much for so long, Ive spent more than a year tracking his story, reading court documents, and examining his extensive digital footprint. When PreventaGenix closed, Young was alleged to have failed to pay part of the unemployment insurance, federal tax withholdings, and final payroll for the clinic, according to a lawsuit filed by his former partners, Reitz and Patel. We put out calls and emails to dozens of Jeff Youngs patients. Young: (Moaning.) Young: All right. Im like, Im as outspoken as he is. (There were different Jeff Youngs in [the Records Management System] and I had very little information so he was not added to the report, the police report states.) Updated at 10:28 p.m. (The music opens up into a technologic rainforest as synthesizers mimic birdsong.). According to police reports and court records, his second ex-wife, Dawn, claimed that throughout their relationship Young repeatedly pushed, threatened, and attempted to rape her. Young: So, the, uh, the sinister ministerthat would be me (Fades under again.). Khazan: A lot of them, unfortunately, went with it. All right, guys. ), Youngs sexual desires and need to please patients allegedly soon blurred together. Khazan: Because I couldnt talk to Jeff, Ive spent more hours than I want to admit combing through his Periscope videos, trying to understand this man. Downtown has an old-fashioned square, a few coffee shops striving for trendiness, and some suburban standbysMcAlisters Deli, Kohls, Chilis, Panera Breadall connected by well-maintained roads and featuring black oceans of parking lots. I had had back surgery, and I really had real problems that no one wanted to listen to me about. This episode was reported by Olga Khazan and produced by Alvin Melathe. I visited Youngs clinic, but, through a staffer, he declined to speak with me. Right? The lack of oversight in the Young case is in keeping with practices seen throughout the opioid crisis. Hey, are you paying attention? Khazan: LaRhonda didnt know anything about all of thisthe nursing board didnt make their investigation publicbut she was following him on social media. A former employee said that staffers had to go to Youngs houseanother McMansionto drag him out of bed, and that he would occasionally arrive at the clinic drunk. Use the hashtag #TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at Shed come to see Jeff for a range of health issues, from diabetes to cystitis, and she just didnt buy the things people were saying about him. Khazan: I talked to many of Jeffs patients. Longoria: Pharmaceutical companies marketed these drugs aggressively to doctors. Young: (Serious, and a little angry.) I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. One agent testified in court that the bureau had uncovered Facebook messages such as one sent to Young in August 2016 by someone known in court as SW: My girl for eight years is an addict You write her any more scripts youre going to kill her, man. Meanwhile, many of Youngs patient charts had allegedly stopped being monitored: One supervising physician came in once, reviewed Youngs charts, and withdrew from the supervising agreement immediately based on what he saw. Khazan: He worked in the timber industry, and one day at work, he got overheated and disoriented. Lots of people refused to talk to me because they fear Young, but many others refused because they love him. He decked out PreventaGenix with psychedelic artwork and set the stereo to loud rock. Patel left soon after. So, uh, here we are, sitting by the pool. And it was immediately clear that he is not your average medical provider. Khazan: Online, Jeff would get drunk and smoke cigars. You could see, almost, when you were talking to him, he was listeningand he was thumping that pen to the beat of the music. When you got all kinds of money, said Jon Benjamin Sharp, a local musician who used to see Young around town, you got all kinds of friends. (Sharp made clear that he himself wasnt a fan of Youngs.) (The music crescendos before playing out into the break. Young would continue to prescribe drugs there for two more years. The men each contributed $40,000 to the endeavor. The cost of producing the Rock Doc pilot, about $2,000, was entirely paid for by the clinic, Gutgsell claimed in a deposition. Scott Deberry: You go to the doctor, and you tell them whats wrong with you, and they look at you like, Oh, its nothing. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. He blasted heavy metal at his private practice and filled his Instagram feed with photos of himself smoking cigars. However, many of Youngs online supporters have remained loyal. The men each contributed $40,000 to the endeavor. He was like a friend. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? (The background music shifts tone dramatically to a wispy, light, contemplative energy.). He pleaded not guilty to the . One admitted that Young had flirted with her. (Topix has since been shut down.) He invited a cameraman to document his life and eventually had it edited into a pilot for a reality-TV show. 40 members in the TDBauto community. It doesnt sound like much of a sella middle-aged man doling out medical advice in a city midway between Memphis and Nashville. Other doctors dont post pictures of themselves with motorcycles and scantily clad women, either. He was the casual party guy, not the stuffy doctor. (Somber, reflective droning notes play up. But he, uh He was true to himself; lets say that. The cameraman who shot the pilot, who requested anonymity because he doesnt want to be associated with Youngs case, heard about Young through a mutual friend and visited him several times to shoot footage for what he hoped could become a reality show. In another, he totters around with an empty bottle of bourbon and pans the camera over to Phillips, who is asleep on the couch. But, in theory, there should have been a check on all this. Khazan: In one sense, I understand some of Jeffs patients defensiveness toward him. Copyright 2021 The Atlantic and New York Public Radio. States largely rely on medical boards to regulate practitioners, but these entities have a reputation for leniency. She became his patient around 2016. He didnt mind saying a curse word or two.. Young: Even get all gussied up for tonight. In September 2014, Young, Reitz, and Patel opened their first clinic and called it PreventaGenix. Young had also allegedly begun siphoning off $100 almost every day from the clinic for his personal expenses, according to former employees. (The two clap each others backs in a half-hug.). But maybe, just maybe, he showed too much. Jeff wanted what was best for his patient. The half-dozen former patients who did agree to talk with me were mostly people who wanted to defend Jeff. I cant say for sure what the right course of treatment for LaRhonda was, and where opioids fit into that. Federal prosecutors who charged him in a massive opioid bust say he overprescribed painkillers, often for "money, notoriety, and sexual favors." Young's case provides a rare gl Jeff didnt monitor M.Y.s use, or talk to him about the danger of combining drugs. The clinic sat on a quiet road crammed with other medical practicesa sleep doctor, a dentist, a nephrologist, an orthodontisteach in its own brick McMansion. Furthermore, Dr. Young along with his wife and daughter Melody works at his clinic. Despite the accumulation of evidence suggesting that Young was running his practice recklessly and endangering patients, he remained licensed to write prescriptions for five years after PreventaGenix opened its doors. Young was by no means nationally or even regionally known. And no education whatsoever, Phillips jokes. And the word that kept coming up when people described Jeff is comfortable. They are often too under-resourced and understaffed to keep a watchful eye on all medical providers. Dan Reaves, a local radio host on whose show Young occasionally appeared as part of a marketing plan, described Young as medically gifted. It wasnt like any medical office Id ever been to. You may not like my rock and roll. Three, two, one. Doctors, in theory, would only prescribe to people who needed the drugs and would monitor patients so they wouldnt get addicted. But none of these barred the Rock Doc from getting drugs into the hands of patients. Thats the big joke. We cant live if hes out, she said. Khazan: Jeff was working as a nurse practitioner at a clinic called Preventagenix in Jackson, Tennessee. Some sought counseling, slept under their beds, or carried guns. Jeffrey Youngs patients say he helped them like nobody else could, but prosecutors indicted him following a huge painkiller bust. But I was willing to overlook all that, you know? One former patient who had a falling-out with Young told me he or someone associated with him attacked her on the internet forum Topix, calling her a whore and a drunk. She said her home address and photos of her adult daughters were posted on the site, along with rape threats directed at her daughters. Longoria: The result is that more than 450,000 people are dead from overdose in the last 20 years. The pilot footagesome of which Young posted to YouTube, and some of which I obtained from a person who was once close to Youngportrays the Rock Doc as a medical bad boy whos willing to break free from the establishment to deliver real talk. The self-proclaimed "Rock Doc" is accused of trading powerful . Kevin: And were going to ask our friendsour warriors out thereto put these folks in their place, because, you know, the Golden Rule. Youngs pursuit of fame culminated in his attempt to launch the Rock Doc television show. In fact, he avoided doctors at all costs. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. Youngs story raises the question of where care crosses into harm. Be part of The Experiment. He has been arrested several times, though not convicted, for assaulting women. Never give up God is full of second chances, one woman wrote. (The synthesizer takes over the harmony, traipsing up and down the melody line before it quiets and the episode ends.). In confessional-style interviews, Young seems to enjoy offending anyone whos shocked by his approach. I have found accounts of at least 40 other medical providers in the country who have been accused of exchanging sex for addictive drugs. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. But that did not put a stop to Youngs ambitions. Once his colleagues were out of the business, Young began crafting a persona based around rock music and hard living. Khazan: He had an account on Periscope, the live-streaming site. After he opened the new clinic, Youngs sexual behavior with patients allegedly continued, as did the towns willingness to ignore it. And the consequences might have gone beyond sexual abuse and addiction. Youngs devotees have maintained for years that he was a great man on a noble mission, and that people who spoke against him didnt understand his radical approach. Young became known for putting drugs into the hands of almost anyone who asked. The daughter, Melody, actually works in her dad's vet clinic. Young began arriving at the clinic smelling rancid, with greasy hair, and the clinics money problems mounted. We got a very, uh, important (Fades under.). Lets see here, shes 23, Young says. He seemed, to his former employees, constitutionally unable to deny patients the pills they wanted, even if it was the last thing they needed. Editing by Katherine Wells, Julia Longoria, and Denise Wills. In the past five years, at least 40 medical providers nationwide have been accused of exchanging sex for addictive drugs. This social-media stardom appears to have helped inoculate him against concerns that his loose approach to medicine could harm anyone. Longoria: This week, Olga Khazan peers into an internet portal to try to find one answer to how on earth we found ourselves in an opioid crisis. Khazan: In 2017, the very public world Jeff had built around himself started attracting a different kind of attention. I swear he didnt look at my leg for 30 seconds, and he told me exactly what it was, he says. Jackson Sun. He remarried in 2006. Sound design by David Herman. Khazan: Which was exactly what she liked about him. He would still be allowed to prescribe testosterone and cough syrup with codeine, however. Others accused me of seeking to discredit Young and slander his name. I dont wear underwear. Another compared Young to a brother and called my reporting disrespectful.. Early in the epidemic, Purdue gave doctors OxyContin fishing hats and swing-music CDs to encourage them to prescribe more of the drug. (Later, Phillips pleaded guilty to threatening a Drug Enforcement Administration agent who was investigating Young. They didnt try to become reality-TV stars. For the cosmetically minded, he hosted alcohol-fueled Botox parties. (She did not want to be named for fear of jeopardizing her business.) Khazan: Do you feel like Jeff has done more harm than good? Khazan: The one that caught my eye was this guy named Jeff Young, a nurse practitioner who called himself the Rock Doc, quote-unquote. I just asked him. Not that theyre not cheating on their wives. (Soft percussive synthesizer music plays.). (Ringing leads into a soft, humming organ song.). With a heavy Mercy me, Phillips produces a pair of womens panties from a bag. Khazan: There was this really big series of indictments that came down in 2019 where the federal government said, You know what? Hed also given her tips on how to eat better and how to lose weight. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. She said, He latches on to young single mothers, and he rushes in and wants toquote-unquotesave them.. Why would you go to this doctor? (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) A new court filing, first reported by The Tennessean last week, portrays the Rock Doc as a menacing figure at the intersection of the opioid crisis and the #MeToo movement. Purdue voice-over: Often, it will be an opioid medication. They would shut off the power so they had an excuse to close the clinic on those days. Am I a misogynist, or do women just like rough sex? Young asks himself in one video. Olga Khazan: At the time, there wasnt a lot of limits on pharmaceutical companies being able to tell doctors that. In July 2016, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation began looking into allegations that Young was overprescribing opioids. A line of harmony played on a wine glass wouldnt get addicted works. Here we are rockdoc jeff young sitting by the pool visited Youngs clinic, but, in theory, there should been... 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