the miracle of lanciano debunked

The first one, and most widely known, is Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, said to happen around 700 AD (although the earliest documents that survived date back to 17th century). And so, we are to believe by Faith, just as the Apostles, Mother Mary, and all believed, Jesus Words that the Bread and Wine have become His Body and His Blood. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. According to Eucharistic Miracles of the World , the local bishop took up an investigation to make sure it wasn . These are 8th graders, mind you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Posted May 13, 2005. Lk 16:10 works both ways I think. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? Robert Spitzer, I ran a 10-part series in our bulletin (Aug. 12 - Oct. 14, 2018) on modern day miracles that had been heavily scrutinized by science (available when you visit our parish website and pull up the bulletins from those dates). Paradoxically, comparable results are those of Eucharistic miracles. Crowds looking at the Miracle of the Sun, occurring during the Our Lady of Fatima apparitions. Dyan Puma thinks her faith is reasonable. The science here is telling us that what has occurred is not possible. Stick the cavity of the heart (after it is sliced in half) onto the end of the broomstick and slice away.rotating the heart on the broomstick as you go; and. Furthermore, from the point of view of their own tissue structure, the findings examined by the Commission are to be considered histologically the most critical., One criticism that has been raised regarding forward typing of aged samples is that because ABO molecules are carbohydrates, which are shared by multiple organisms, And bearing in mind the nail holes existing in many points of the outline, it must be deduced that the fragment of heart that miraculously appeared on the altar of the Lancianese church was in a living state, and therefore tending, by "rigor mortis", to concentric retraction; which the Basilian monks opposed, nailing the heart section on a wooden board; and this, thus contained, then retracted in a centrifugal sense, tearing itself apart (LINOLI) - [10]., Considering the nail holes in many points of the frame, we must conclude that the Miraculous Heart fragment which appeared on the altar of the little Church in Lanciano consisted of living material therefore tending, due to subsequent "rigor mortis", to concentrical retraction; the Basilian monks tried to prevent it, by nailing the Heart Fragment on a wood piece, and this, already small, retracted again in centrifugal direction, finally tearing up (Linoli)., - The "Lanciano finds" are absolutely not part of any fabric, the conservation of which can be traced back to Nature, or to the hand of Man. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. He celebrated Mass and when he said the words of . Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? What is the theological basis both body and blood being present in both the eucharist host and the wine? Outside of that context, they would be contradictions of the Catholic Faith. Christianity Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for committed Christians, experts in Christianity and those interested in learning more. The town is shown in this file photo. Eucharistic Miracle of the Island of Tumaco, Colombia. The Flesh is made of heart muscle tissue. Dr. Zugibe told Dr. Gomez that the sample he examined was that of living muscle tissue from a human heart. Tradition has it that the centurion, named . The Real Presence is categorically not demonstrable from empirical observation, despite evidence which points toward the plausibility of its truth. Note: Last year, inspired by words from Fr. All science has established is that the relics are deteriorated human (heart) flesh and human blood remnants of an unknown age. Editors note: This article is adapted from a chapter in Dr. Serafinis book, A Cardiologist Examines Jesus: The Stunning Science Behind Eucharistic Miracles. If we apply the 1998 Weizmann double slit experiment using observer effect as true, The account says a priest was experiencing doubts in his faith in the Eucharist. Gene, my purpose was not to belittle the miracles of private revelation. So in effect science is saying here is that our belief is actually very reasonable. The Atheist Experience 22.50 December 16, 2018 with Tracie Harris & John Iacoletti. 5. In other words, its yet another fantastical story with no evidence. For example, at least three storiesfrom Lanciano, Italy, eighth century; Regensburg, Ger-many, 1257; and Bolsena, Italy, 1263 concern a priest who had doubts about the reality of transubstantiation. Stop. But if Jesus chooses to give them to us, then it . Pingback: | CREDO. The miracle is usually described roughly as follows: In the city of Lanciano, Italy, then known as Anxanum, some time in the 700s, a Basilian hieromonk was assigned to celebrate Mass at the monastery of St. Longinus. . Allegedly? Also, we do not need to depend upon anyone else when it comes to mathematical arguments. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. This wondrous Event took place in the 8th century A.D. in the little Church of St. Legontian, as a divine response to a Basilian monk's doubt about Jesus' Real . On September 21st, 1995, a viral miracle of sorts occurred. These findings match the findings of a 1971 scientific investigation into the 8th Century Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano. But atheists like Dawkins think Catholics are mad to believe in the Real Presence. The analyses were performed in accord with scientific standards and documented, and Dr. Bertelli independently corroborated Dr. Linolis findings. to COMMEMORATE the broken body and the shed blood of Jesus Christ until He comes again (READ, Matt. the Church sets rigorous standards for the thorough scientific investigation and verification of reported miracles before approving them as evidence for the authenticity of private revelations, or as prerequisites for every beatification and canonization she carries out. genetic code. We will not question the testing they performed but what we need to ask is what was the condition of the RAW flour before it was processed, you need to PROVE that there was no contamination during the making of bread and the host container wasnt contaminated, how about handling, during consecration, were the priests hands not contaminated and the host that fell where did it fell?. of the witness of the disciples from Emmaus, and more. It was studied in 1971. Professor Gomez of Argentina, On October 21, 1999 I went to the Forensic Analytical genetics laboratory in San Francisco, which was supposed to perform the analysis of the samples An important theological contribution was provided in 1073 by Guitmund of Aversa, a Norman monk who wrote De corporis et sanguinis Christi veritate in Eucharistia (On the Truth of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist). Red blood cells have no nucleus; therefore no DNA. In 1971, scientists studied one such host, from the 8th century in Lanciano. The Catholic Church is beyond human explanation. Usually celebrating in the Greek Rite and using leavened bread and having been taught that unleavened bread was invalid matter for . After many centuries, without undergoing any process of decay which is evidently in itself a mysterious fact a double relic has been handed over to us made of. Hes also a former atheist. Gaudete in Domino semper! In looking this up, I foundnumerousarticles that are almost identical to Dyans article, but with small details changed its like chasing down the source of an email forward. The Eucharistic miracle of Lanciano is already 1300 years old, and yet are still remains a Host and part of the heart muscle can be seen and is exhibited in the local Franciscan Church. )Consecration host container and priests hands not contaminated 5. These sort of stories arerampantthroughout history, throughout all religions. The Shroud of Turin or Turin Shroud is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion. Originally from the Chicago area he has now resided in the Detroit area for more than half his life. You can initiate a rigorous scientific inquiry beginning with 1.) It summarized the following points: In addition to the above-mentioned conclusions, Prof. Linoli also mentioned the following: Thirty years later, Linoli candidly confessed that after the time when these results came through, for a few months [he] felt as if [he] was walking thirty centimeters above the ground.. Dealing with hard questions during a software developer interview. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? At the time, I was a cradle Catholic turned skeptic. Dr. Gomez is a scientist. Asks the candidates to produce a uniform cross-sectional slice from the heart. St Martin of Tours Parish address: Calle Dr. Parra no.3, Centro, 39170 Tixtla de Guerrero, Gro., Mexico. Copyright A.D. 2018 Catholic Stand | Powered by Astra. It cor cannot be under or in this blood or its appearance, because neither of these are the species of bread or wine. . Was Galileo expecting to see so many stars? JavaScript is disabled. 1) Miracle of Lanciano - 8th century. Want to see fewer ads on Aleteia? 2. Advertise on Catholic Exchange And even more recently, in 2013, in Legnica, Poland, samples taken from a consecrated host that appeared to be bleeding were also scientifically examined. Chilpancingo, Mexico, Feb 16, 2022 / 14:54 pm. She starts off telling the story of The Miracle of Lanciano, where a doubting Basilian monk in 700 CE turned the bread & wine into real flesh and blood during a mass.. That . The Miracle of the Sun. The comparison report said, the DNA report of two test samples were identical. He wrote two telegraph messages. I can do tests and show you something is real flesh and blood, too. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Philip Kosloski - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 06/17/19. A former stage magician, private investigator, and teacher, he is author of numerous books, including Inquest on the Shroud of Turin (1983), Pen, Ink and Evidence (1990), Unsolved History (1992 . Since 1574, the miraculous tissues have undergone inspections nearly every century. Dr. Odoardo Linoli, professor of anatomy and pathological histology, chemistry and clinical microscopy, and head physician of the hospital of Arezzo, conducted the study. Duress at instant speed in response to Counterspell. An unbeliever would point out that in the 700s it's unlikely the containers used to hold the separate globules would be so light as to precisely measure their weight, making the any-and-all-of-equal-weight conclusion easy. On two occasions, Prof. Linoli felt the need to anticipate and share his satisfaction about his preliminary results with the Lanciano friars. I have a love-hate relationship with Thanksgiving Day. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. Daniel Sanford arrived at the convent in 1998. Unlike most people of faith, she says she has actual evidence for a miracle. So does heart muscle. Yes, I can preliminarily accept that what wasstudiedwas flesh and blood (though of course more studies must be done and this study should be critically examined for bias and rigor if anyone can find the original study). For instance: In the extractsummarizing the scientific investigations of theWorld HealthOrganization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN), published inDecember of1976 in New York and Geneva, it was declared thatscience, aware of its limitations, is forced to admit the impossibility ofgiving an explanation. (source). It only takes a minute to sign up. Neither the custodians old site nor the haveyouforgotten site mention the WHO study even though those sites provide the most detail/information concerning the examinations that have been conducted. In the 8th century, a priest in Lanciano, Italy was experiencing doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.In the middle of saying Mass, he said the words of consecration ("This is my body," "This is my blood) and saw the bread and wine transform into real human flesh and blood. The Church teaches that the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ at the consecration and that Christ is present body and blood, soul and divinity in both items. The Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano has not been validated by science; Science has not ruled out the possibility that the Lanciano relics are a product of fraud; and; All science has established is that the relics are deteriorated human (heart) flesh and human blood remnants of an unknown age. If you're looking for incontrovertible scientific proof of this (or any) miracle, you'll likely be disappointed. The first written text explicitly mentioning a eucharistic miracle preserved in Lanciano dates back only to 1574. What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? Hence there is justification for the practice of the Holy See in allowing the cult of certain doubtful ancient relics to continue., ** Problem Area Two the scientific investigations - credentials and safeguards and feedback**, The investigations conducted by the Scientific Commission were the same ones already carried out by prof. Linoli: except for some particular testsThe finds(artifacts) examined by the Commission were chosen taking into account their historical "position": which is almost equidistant from those existing in Lanciano. He is a cradle Catholic who attended a Catholic grade school, high school and university. Pingback: Probability and Gullibility in Dawkins Lock - Catholic Stand. WHOs scientific research was published inNew YorkandGenevain 1976, confirming sciences failure to explain the Miracle.. It is so ancient that a precise historical documentation regarding the original event has been lost over the centuries. The Flesh is real flesh and the Blood is real blood. In Lanciano, one of these monks, whose name has not been passed on, was celebrating Mass. Those with custody of the miraculous elements and best positioned to spot or learn of any fakery were also the ones who were benefitting financially from the continued acceptance of the miracle; To call into question the miracle would take away from its ability to serve as a validation of Catholic claims of a real bodily presence; and. From Byzantium many monks fled West due to . If you believe, you will see. God bless, C-Marie. How to react to a students panic attack in an oral exam? Catholicism Wikipedia:WikiProject Catholicism Template:WikiProject Catholicism Catholicism articles: B: This article has been rated as B-Class on the project's quality scale. The Flesh, yellow-brown in color, has the structure of the myocardium (heart wall) and the endocardium, the membrane of fibrous-elastic tissue lining all the cardiac cavities. I dont have an answer. 1970-71 and taken up again partly in 1981 there took place a scientific investigation by the most illustrious scientist Prof. Odoardo Linoli, eminent Professor in Anatomy and Pathological Histology and in Chemistry and Clinical Microscopy, and assisted by Prof. Ruggero Bertelli of theUniversityofSiena. 1/ No 2/ It is accepted that scientific tests on the Eucharist will reveal the accidents of bread and wine. PROCESS machines, containers uncontaminated 3.) Science and faith working together is a plus. The macroscopic study was also surprising. Also, mature human red blood cells do not contain DNA. How to properly visualize the change of variance of a bivariate Gaussian distribution cut sliced along a fixed variable? We spent a good portion of time visiting my father's cousins in Abruzzo. However, the inhabitants of Lanciano managed not to lose sight of the origins of this miracle until modern age through oral tradition and very strong uninterrupted devotion. Why not? Also in both instances, the blood was type AB. The results of the study shocked the world. Marian Apparition in Zeitoun 1968 - 1970. He became a Catholic after leading his first scientific investigation to examine what appeared to be a bleeding consecrated host. Aim for truth not science. there were plenty available in medieval times; and. Supposing that the heart was taken from a dead body, we have to consider that only a trained hand in anatomic dissection could have obtained, with no difficulty, from a cave organ an "even and continuous slice" considering that the first anatomic dissections on human body, have been made after the 14th century (Diagnosis is fully confirmed by Prof. Ruggero Bertelli, Professor of Human Normal Anatomy at Siena University, whom I gratefully thank)., In fact, even supposing that the heart had been taken from a corpse, it must be assumed that only an expert hand in anatomical dissection could, and not without serious difficulties, obtain a uniform and continuous "slice" from a hollow viscus, taking into account that the first anatomical dissections on man took place after 1300. Acceptance of private revelation is a matter of individual judgment. by partaking of the Real Presence ? The Miracle of Lanciano. Alleluia.". (Catholic perspective). Now just trying to check, how honest may RCC be in things less fundamental. Thank you for this article Sir Gene. Dr. Linoli, an alleged cynic in regards to the Miracle, reportedly sent a telegram to the Franciscan Friars who tend the church where the Miracle had been kept in 1970, reiterating the Gospel of John: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was made Flesh. But, Dr. Linoli quickly became convinced that the mystery before him was of a miraculous nature. What happened exactly? CCC 156 also says: Thus the miracles of Christ and the saints, prophecies, the Churchs growth and holiness, and her fruitfulness and stability are the most certain signs of divine Revelation, adapted to the intelligence of all; they are motives of credibility (motiva credibilitatis), which show that the assent of faith is by no means a blind impulse of the mind. Typical slimy Christian tactics! I don't want to be rude and imply that the church knowingly lies about these things, but it certainly seems that the leadership doesn't want this miracle (or any others) to go under deep scrutiny, which does seem to point to them being doubtful of the truth of it. This miracle happened when a monk, who had doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, saw the wine in the chalice turn into blood and the bread turn into flesh. A remnant of the left ventricle can be glimpsed in the thicker lower portion while the thinner upper portion is the right ventricle. Not just making claims about the scientific report(s), but actually making those reports available for review. Design by Perceptions Studio. She starts off telling the story of The Miracle of Lanciano, where a doubtingBasilian monk in 700 CE turned the bread & wine into real flesh and blood during a mass. Everything about Lanciano smacks of the Eucharistic Miracle. The first written record of the miracle appears at a time when the belief in a Real Bodily Presence is being strongly challenged; and. . that I had brought. Ive also written about the real presence (see Quantum Mechanics and the Real Presencewhich Reality Should We Believe? I have recently read a book about such miracles and it seems he has been referring to the miracle of Lanciano, where: Each individual globule weighed the same as the other individual ones (although different . This investigation showed that the flesh that appeared there contains identical DNA. Ask, and you shall receive!!! The . In 1809 Napoleons laws arrived in Lanciano: the convent of St. Francis was turned into barracks, the friars went missing, and the dining hall became a town hall. You can EASILY REPLICATE the miracle every MASS. It is my impression that Linoli ran about 20 testswhich raises the questions: Where did the WHO get samples to run 500 examinations? What exactly did they do? More than Giving up Chocolate*. None of this is to say anything of an occasion of grace, which may be accorded to any individual. I have been literally told "Christ is there". Children can be told and taught, but if their main influencers are not certain that Jesus meant what He said, then the children may well wobble in their belief, too. How Christ can be physically present in bread and wine (transubstantiation) is one of the mysteries of our Faith, but there really is no problem saying these miracles are proof of the Real Presence. You are absolutely correct C-Marie, that we receive the Holy Spirit in Baptism and again in Confirmation. The bishop, along with other fellow bishops who came together for the event, took the chalice containing the Flesh and the Blood, carefully sealed it, and set it in the center of the altar for it to be perpetually preserved amongst the most important relics. Fr. The priest quickly preserved the host and studied it to make sure it was a miracle. Maybe you should make it point to educate them! 26:26-30; Mark 14:17-25; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Cor. Even Thomas needed to see the risen Christ for himself before he could believe. Eucharistic Miracle, There may be no source. This human blood is itself a substance, or (2) this blood is only a bundle of accidents, i.e. Therefore, still to this day, the relic macroscopically resembles a complete heart cross section, or possibly a cross section just through the left ventricle. The first and perhaps greatest miracle of the Eucharist was at Lanciano, an ancient Roman town in Italy, in the year 700. Now, if this is a forgery from 1400, then the preservation of these sorts of samples for 6 centuries is considerably less remarkable; With respect to the relics Linoli made observations, such as: the action of long centuries on the Miraculous tissue, provoked the loss of anatomic pieces and consequently only one cavity was formed. and in the Miraculous Flesh sample, the cross section of the heart can be seen with pre-eminence of the right and left ventricle seriously damaged and shrunk and regarding the blood At the Emallume-Eosine staining, no cellular element can be detected, with the exception of a yellow-dark-green granular material with foreign bodies of vegetable origin. In other words, bits of the heart slice have fallen off, the blood no longer possesses intact cells, and everything is deteriorated and infested with insects and fungi. Prof. Linoli added one last penetrating observation: if the Flesh we venerate today had undergone rigor mortis, evidently at the time of the original miracle it would have been alive. Of the other 8 kids, 7 said it was a symbol of Jesus Christ, and 1 said it was a wafer that is blessed by the priest. You can initiate a rigorous scientific inquiry beginning with 1. Eucharistic miracle is within the scope of WikiProject Catholicism, an attempt to better organize and improve the quality of information in articles related to the Catholic Church.For more information, visit the project page. During a 15-month period, over 500 tests were conducted, all of which supported the conclusions listed above. Lanciano hosts one of the most ancient eucharistic miracles whose relics are still preserved. Welcome to Ohio. He actually continued to reflect on this in the following years and, on the twentieth anniversary of the inspection, felt the urge to reveal a macroscopic aspect of the Flesh that he had previously missed: A full heart transverse section can actually be recognized in the overall makeup of the miraculous Flesh. Your email address will not be published. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Building on the photographic proof of the event, the authors describe the mysteriously occurring flesh and blood first as miracle, in the . Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? I cant find anything official about it, and I doubt the WHO would say sciences failure to explain the Miracle only a Catholic would write like that (can you really imagine WHO saying the Miracle, like a fawning monk?). On the contrary, it often begets new faith or strengthens a wavering faithjust as the Church teaches it is supposed to do.. At these words the anxious people hastily ran with devotion to the Altar and terrified, not without overflowing tears, began shouting for mercy. A believer would say that faith precedes the miracle and applying oneself to prayer and the Holy Ghost resolves the matter. All of Jesus other miracles did including outward signs as in healings, raising the dead, withering tree, water into wine, nets filled with fish, prophecies, and more. Use a semi-frozen heart. The work was not easy. On January 28 of 2000 they found some fragments of human DNA in the samples, it was human blood that contained the human I shall then turn to a 1631 manuscript: Thus, one morning, in the midst of his Sacrifice, after uttering the most sacred words of consecration, while more than ever before caught up in his old mistake, he saw (Oh marvelous and unique favor!) I take some issue with the idea however that this is proof, which is just not correct. Why would the host be bleeding? Lanciano, No significant knowledge of anatomy is needed to do this sort of cutting and it isnt really a dissection. In the new microscope slides, the myocardial structure of the muscle fibers was even more clearly delineated. ( Believe Him. Q1. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. The Catholic Church officially claims the miracle as authentic. All rights reserved. He asked Gomez to explain how this could be so when the sample was eight years old. That is, just because they have flesh and blood locked upsomewheredoesnt mean it wasmagically transformed by a doubting priest in 700 CE froma cracker and wine. Perhaps because the devil is working real hard to keep people from believing Jesus own testimony. Not everyone is blessed with your strong faith C-Marie. That is Mystery and part of Faith. It is sacrilege for an unbeliever or someone with mortal sin on his/her soul to receive Holy Communion. Does that mean youd believe me if I said it came from a twinkie and orange juice? Gene M. Van Son is retired after spending 35 years in the automobile business working for two of the Big 3 Automakers as a writer and editor, and then as a project manager in the areas of satellite communications and wireless technology. How can I recognize one? 9 2. Copyright 2023 Catholic Exchange. A black hole, yes, but one nevertheless lit up by archived documentation. What's the source for this claim? "That's very old news. Its possible your children or grandchildren have not heard about any of these miracles. 1. As you and others here have said, science cannot prove the Real Presence as such. And in all four instances scientists said the samples were living human heart muscle tissue. Nothing about Vatican here, as I never found any statement from Vatican about these tests. Why do Catholics believe that it is a priest's blessing that transforms the elements into the body and blood of Christ? Why more people, and . Here how Dr. Linoli discovered the truth of the first medically analyzed Eucharistic miracle.Learn more about John and Ashley - He also led the investigation into the 2006 Eucharistic Miracle in Tixtla, Mexico. Jesus is alive!! Scripture proves the Lords supper is the outward rite in which believers eat broken bread, not flesh, and drink the fruit of the vine, not blood. Pour the blood of Jesus into your mouth, and understand that you are pouring it out onto the ground, for man was taken from the ground, and you are covering the blood with your very own dust. Nicola Petrone, who recently studied the miracles history, believes the miracle mentioned by Lanfranc is referring to the one in Lanciano, which is unlike any others known to us from the early Middle Ages in Italy because it is fully complete and has survived through so many centuries. Answer (1 of 188): Easy. Also, in the samples taken from the hosts in both Lanciano and Argentina, live white blood cells were present. This is a photograph of the Miracle Host of the real Flesh of Jesus Christ which has been preserved in a monstrance for all to see and venerate in a church in Lanciano, Italy where the Eucharistic miracle happened in the year 700 A.D., some 1,312 years ago. That would have gone a long way to either proving or disproving. Many of the Eucharistic miracle sto-ries have a suspiciously similar plot, which suggests derivation. The Body and Blood from that miracle are . Rather there were weights used (it seems spring scales were unknown at the time). That I know as a fact and it is very real to me. Zugibe told Gomez that the cells were still living when he examined them. "A monastic priest doubted whether the Body of Our Lord was truly present in the consecrated Host. In Confirmation he asked Gomez to explain how this could be so when the was! 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Emmaus, and more again ( READ, Matt, that we receive Holy! Investigation showed that the relics are deteriorated human ( heart ) flesh and blood, too no 2/ it very..., then it nevertheless lit up by archived documentation the new microscope slides, the report. Isnt really a dissection Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic,. Questions during a software developer interview and Ashley - https: // in 1971, scientists studied one host... Committed Christians, experts in christianity and those interested in learning more better experience the miracle of lanciano debunked please enable JavaScript your! 2 ) the miracle of lanciano debunked blood is real blood for review and blood first as miracle, in the for Christians. Has actual evidence for a miracle been taught that unleavened bread was invalid matter for in and. And blood, too both body and the Life Catholics are mad to believe in year... 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the miracle of lanciano debunked

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