venus in aquarius man ideal woman

This planet governs femininity and women (especially young women, sisters, girlfriends). Venus is never more than 47 degrees away from the Sun in the horoscope. You are able to be objective about your relationships in a way that is refreshing to some people and absolutely unnerving to those who express themselves in a more dramatic or emotional way. Romantically, she must be kinky, but should not go overboard with it. One thing to consider when checking the astrological compatibility between two people is their Venus signs. The man born with this zodiac connection is always stereotyped as being detached. In our experience, men and women tend to take on the role of Venus in their relationships in approximately equal measure. No matter what happens in the world, industries like education, healthcare, food, and banking arent going anywhere. Your friend group is a significant influence in your life with Aquarius placements, so make sure you are around people who are good for you. The sign of Aquarius is ruled by two planets that pull in opposite directions: conservative Saturn and rebellious Uranus. This 40-day backspin marks the period when Venus begins her shift from an evening star bright and visible in the sky near sundownto a morning star, rising just before the Sun. (Click HERE for the Introduction to the How To Think With Your Venus series.). He will only show his romantic side occasionally. Venus in Aquarius might actually share some of Venus in Capricorns interest in structure, but the difference is that Venus in Aquarius is more interested in their own personal spin on structure than in societys traditions. Pisces. Following Capricorn, the sign of order and structure, Aquarius is the sign of reforms, innovations, rewriting the rules. In the areas where her Venus shines, she always follows her own path. Bring him along too, Im in a weird mood and I get bored quickly.. There are therefore many Venus in Aquarius people with the Sun in Capricorn or Pisces. Worst Venus matches: Leo, Aquarius. If he is ever at your home, he will surely take notice of your book and music collections. It must be mentioned that there may be other important factors in determining Venus in Aquarius computability. It has to do with sexuality and romance as well. Like many of you, I enjoy some junk food now and again without making a steady diet of it. Romantically, she is not intensely detached like the man we just discussed above. You give and receive support from like-minded people. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. She is fiercely intelligent and has an insatiable hunger to learn more. Therefore, even when in a relationship, the lady will fancy other men sexually. Cheerfulness and Positivity. A potential partner must be independent, intelligent, and interested in learning new things otherwise he will get bored from the lack of conversation. Click Those lines of work are therefore full of earth and water sign people of all genders. Instead, Saturn advocates maintaining whatever the established power structure might be in a given context, and Uranus advocates rebelling against whoever is in charge. Maybe Venus in Aquarius needs a dose of their own medicine, though. If you want to learn the secret to becoming the center of his world and being the only woman he truly desires, this video explains the simple steps that can turn your dreams into reality. A romantic relationship or a marriage between an Aquarius man and Aquarius woman is not only based on strong mental compatibility, they develop a strong and pleasant sexual compatibility as well. Venus in Leo and Venus in Aquarius are capable of seeing and appreciating creativity in each other. If she succeeds in staying detached even in the relationship, he will take a long time to shed his romantic self. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. PlentyOfFish says, "Don't you dare go looking very far! on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, It is always recommended that you take a look at your complete natal chart or seek advice from a professional astrologer to get a better understanding. If a mans Venus is in Leo, he may be attracted to women who are proud, outgoing, and perhaps even gaudy. He can even go for long periods without a woman or jump from woman to woman, looking for the right one. You are a curious person and enjoy intellectual stimulation in your relationships. Understated but feminine summer dresses, accentuated breasts (natural, not enhanced), an aura of innocence or neediness, and the promise of devotedness are usually turn-ons. Hes pretty cute. Keep in mind that routine in a relationship will kill it for the Venus in Aquarius. However, he will tend to chase after the potential partner if they are being evasive and he will try to get her to show her emotional side. Venus here needs some distance. This Sun-Moon pairing combines unpredictable enthusiasm with progressive thinking. You might be quite popular, and friendships are important to you. Generally these men are attracted to a clean, robust, athletic look, generally slim but not necessarily well-groomed. 1. He does not get swayed by emotions. I hope so. If you are interested in getting a psychic reading, then as a VekkeSind reader, you can get 5 minutes free. He tends to know the path he wants to take in the world and he goes for it. Want to know more about my big discount on readings for new clients? If Venus in Aquarius was raised in a traditional household then he will mirror what he has seen and end up being a faithful husband or partner. Get the full scoop with a Love Styles: About Him Report. But if you are a little bit eccentric and willing to let your Aquarius man be the unconventional genius that he is, you will have yourself a committed partner to the end. Aloofness or a dignified, confident aura is usually appealing to these men. Keep reading to learn more about the meaning of Venus in Aquarius! Just like the women in the same sign, Virgo men want everything to be perfect and as efficient as possible. Once in a while he does not mind showing his romantic side, but it will be wrong to expect him to be always like this. In the natal chart, Venus portrays what attracts you in life and your heartfelt desires. After the Venus rebirth, as she crosses the threshold and becomes a morning star for the next nine months. Who is Venus in Capricorn compatible with. Lets look at the differences between these two Venus Signs by checking their online activity as they look for a fair and equitable love relationship (Aquarius) that, odds are, probably doesnt even exist (Pisces). Thank you. In the birth chart, Venus represents the basic need to connect with others. Aquarius wears a tinfoil hat to keep the CIA mind probes out of their brains, and Pisces wears a tinfoil hat in case the CIA is trying to read their minds and what it find there hurts its feelings. He will do anything it takes to break free from the shackles of societys standards and limitations. He is open to long distance relationships. Dealing with messy human bodies and emotions can challenge him, but he may think there is nothing technology cannot fix! He does not for a second doubt his ideas either, so he does tend to believe that his way is the best. Because of this, he may go years without any relationship. For Venus in Aquarius, their ideal love story is one similar to classic literature: slow to develop, built to last, and growing stronger day by day. Aquarius prefers those who are more relaxed and go with the flow types. Request a Quote. Im guessing maybe not as much as you might have otherwise because the world (as you may have noticed) has not become any less crazy recently. He is independent enough to solve his own issues and does not depend on the relationship to run his life. His demeanor comes across as calm and focused while also appearing to be eccentric. The thrill of the beginning gives him a rush. Most importantly, a partner who lets the Aquarius man be himself, by understanding this main ingredient that he must be allowed to have in a committed relationship.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'astrology_india_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrology_india_com-medrectangle-4-0'); He certainly has a unique way of doing things, however, the Venus in Aquarius male must understand that his way is not the only way, and sometimes cooperation with others is called for. This also stands true when it comes to her exes. They may be counting on romantic dates that lead them, step by step, up a predictable relationship escalator to getting married and having kids. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. Many people who have their natal Venus in Aquarius are into social activism. Looking into every other Venus sign, you will notice that men are mostly attracted to traditional feminine qualities in one way or another. The twosome of Venus in Aries and Venus in Aquarius is therefore greater than the sum of its parts. This has strong connection to the history of romantic relationships of the female carrier. While an Aquarius man has an eccentric personality, and loves to crack jokes most of the time, that doesn't mean he doesn't get down from time to time. When it comes it love, the young Venus in Aquarius will be less likely to end up in a relationship, but as she ages, she will become more open to finding real love. She likely attracts people to her simply because she is interesting and open. Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? By polarity, Aquarius is a masculine or active sign. He often is attracted to more traditionally feminine looks, simply dressed (not gaudy or flashy). Venus in Libra, however, is tired of dreaming alone, and likes to live vicariously through Venus in Aquariuss success in pushing others to share their ideals. No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and hes not the same man -Heraclitus Between March and June of 2023, Pluto will dip its toe into the early degrees of Aquarius until going retrograde back into Capricorn. People with this sign are required to be open to receiving love in different forms and to avoid isolating themselves from others. Unlike others, Aquarians are primarily attracted to each other's minds and thoughts. Women with an Eccentric Personality. We see this mainly in the fashion sense or in the other persons hobbies. Best Venus matches: Taurus, Virgo. Aquarius placements in the natal chart are indicators of an eccentric personality, and Venus in Aquarius is no exception. Venus in Aquarius doesn't show their love in the traditional sense like gift-giving or being romantic all the time. If you buy the first round, I will let you name the babies. For Northern Hemisphere seasons, Leo is the hottest part of the summer, and Aquarius is the coldest part of the winter. As mentioned above, seeing or experiencing same romantic things again and again is boring to Venus in Aquarius. A man with Venus Aquarius respects free thinkers and women who let their freak flag fly! Venus in Aquarius and Venus in Aries would have a lot of fun together, though everyone else around them might be terrified. An Aquarius man is attracted to women who are different and unusual. These two have in common that they are very independent. This man is the outcast of the zodiac who was sent here to push the boundaries. Venus in Libra is getting the best of both worlds in this relationship getting to be seen as the nice one and getting power they dont feel capable of achieving on their own. Their most prominent traits include being self-sufficient, quirky, visionary, supportive, non-conformist, loving, caring, and charming. 1. beyond Sun Signs. If the Venus in Aquarius isn't familiar with the traditional family models, then he will have a hard time when it comes to approaching women. Sagittarius and Aries are the fire signs closest to air sign Aquarius. A native of the sign of Libra is diplomatic and polite, and they are capable of adjusting to any social setting. The person with Venus in Aquarius in an extremely special, unconventional, and rebellious lover. This will not get you a reliable Rising sign or Moon sign, but it will generally do a good enough job getting you the Venus sign, unless Venus is right on the border between two signs. Do note that Aquarius does not just have connection with communication, but also with technology. The Venus in Aquarius woman is challenged because she would love to be as openly arrogant as the Venus in Aquarius man, but she does not feel that social norms will let her get away with it. But ever heard of the line absolute power corrupts? The lady may fall temporarily and secretly for any guy, but she will not approach anyone unless she is completely sure that they have some kind of potential. They both could go the route of conspiracy theorist or cult leader, though Venus in Scorpios cult would last longer because it would assume the worst rather than the best about human nature. If you click on a link on this page and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Venus in Aquarius wouldnt really go off the rails with Venus in Aries around, though, because Venus in Aries would be putting down brand new tracks to somewhere crazy faster than Venus in Aquarius could travel them. What they all have in common is a passion for promoting their vision of how society at large could be better off. This doesn't mean the Venus in Aquarius won't fantasize about having sex with other men and her reasoning behind it is that she is only having thoughts and not acting on them. A mans Moon sign certainly factors into the equation. This man is least interested in dictating how a woman should be. Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac. I took some time off to reevaluate how I approach astrology and I think it has paid off. His mars in Taurus, Pisces Asc shown through more than anything. VENUS IN AQUARIUS 'LIKES' AND VALUES: Venus in Aquarius people love exploring alternative ideas - and the wackier and more thought provoking the better! Understanding someones Venus sign helps you understand their personality on a much deeper level. Venus in Aquarius suggests that relationships often begin in unusual ways or under unusual circumstances. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'astrology_india_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-astrology_india_com-medrectangle-3-0');The Aquarius man is recognized as being a little eccentric, smart, creative, and a great communicator of abstract thought. Sam, as he is referred to by friends and clients was born in Austin Texas USA. The Venus in Aquarius will seek out partners that can stimulate her mind through intelligence. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. They may be full of exciting ideas, though sitting down and carrying them out might be another story. They have a unique fashion sense too. If you have this placement in your natal chart, you want to know a lot of people. It is sign of equal opportunities and social justice. So the lady may also have great luck in finding a partner through Internet or phone. You are unlikely to let age, status, race, religion, or common sense dictate who you become involved with. The bottom line, however, is usually a rather bold, confident manner. If your Sun or Venus is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, you are a good fit for the Aquarius man as well. This is because Venus reveals what we love, find pleasing, and what turns us on to some degree. If a relationship goes sour, Venus in Aquarius will reflect on that for a long time before being able to move on. Venus in Aquarius Woman The Venus in Aquarius woman is challenged because she would love to be as openly arrogant as the Venus in Aquarius man, but she does not feel that social norms will let her get away with it. Venus in Virgo, however, wants everything to be grounded in the physical world, and the physical world is often the last place Venus in Aquarius is. This doesnt mean that you dont crave closeness, though. You should also pay attention to the house position of Venus, its dispositor (the ruling planet of its sign), and its aspects with other planets. A Venus in Aries man is impulsive, but sensitive hearts should take note he's not always able or willing to finish what he's started! The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. What follows is a simplistic model for determining the ideal woman for a man. However, Venus in Taurus values sensual experiences, and the hard part about sensual experiences for Venus in Aquarius is that they require physically inhabiting ones body. They may borrow, on their own terms, from time-honored traditions, but they often add plenty of creative twists of their own. Sagittarius In the natal chart, it is linked with your self-esteem, ability to be in love, your aesthetics and style. An immature Venus in Aquarius can be scared of intimacy. If a mans Venus is in Aquarius, he can be most impressed by women who are somewhat unconventional or kooky in their choice of clothes and overall style. They are caring for others, yet have a difficult time with intimacy. The Venus in Aquarius will not control his partner and her actions. Venus stays within two signs of the Sun in terms of relative position to Earth. You are future-minded, a tad unconventional (in love, anyhow) and theres an unmistakable free spirit in you that shows up most obviously in matters of the heart. Sweetness, and a simple voluptuousness in a woman is ideal. If you see long term potential here, it's up to you to set a pace. Your worst . The Venus-Aquarius man respects independent thinkers and women who let their crazy flag fly! Aug 23rd - Sept 22nd. They are therefore looking for a partner who will always honor their intense need for freedom. If both people have similar ideas about love and fun, it is beneficial in the long run. providence hospital apparel; elex a special piece consequences; salaire d'un maire en cote d'ivoire. It works best if you know the date, time, and city of birth for each person. Venus in Virgo wont come down on Venus in Aquarius for being emotionally awkward because Venus in Virgo is emotionally awkward too. Of course, that can just be a nice way of saying you are tough to pin down in a long-term relationship. You probably have some unusual tastes in art, entertainment, and sex and often treat sex as if it were a form of art and/or entertainment. Some are very drawn to traditional structures for relationships, though they might go about it in a way that reforms those structures or otherwise draws attention to themselves. This is not to say you cannotor will notfall in love. This lover expresses love freely and flirtatiously and can stick around longer than a Gemini. [], Who Is Venus in Sagittarius Compatible With? It's important to you that she be intellectually interesting, opened minded and willing to try doing things she's never done before. The type of partners Venus in Aquarius is attracted to are those that are carefree, have big hearts, and compassionate. There are two luminaries (Sun and Moon), three personal planets ( Mercury, Venus, and Mars ), two impersonal planets ( Jupiter and Saturn) and three outer planets ( Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto ). Share it with others who enjoy learning astrology! When in Aquarius, Venus is under the rulership of Saturn and Uranus. What this means is that she wants total loyalty and truthfulness in her relationship. If a mans Venus is in Aries, heis often attracted to a tomboyish woman, perhaps athletic in appearance, but more importantly, direct, forthright, and straightforward. 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venus in aquarius man ideal woman

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